United States or Peru ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The common snakes of the deadly variety in the United States are the rattlesnake, the "copperhead," and the moccasin; and it is from the bites of one of these varieties that the great majority of reported deaths are caused. But in looking over medical literature one is struck with the scarcity of reports of fatal snake-bites.

Not only are there numerous serpents in that country, but the natives are lightly dressed and unshod, thus being exposed to the bites of the reptiles. It is estimated by capable authorities that the deaths in India each year from snake-bites exceed 20,000.

Hutchinson concludes that all the evidence tends to show that the disease had probably been communicated from the blood of an infected person through the bite of the insect. It thus appears that even the proverbially trivial fleabite may at times prove a serious injury. Snake-bites.

The whole of her note-book seemed to zig-zag vainly across her brain her note-book where she had carefully written down antidotes for any poisons the children might swallow, remedies for scalds, burns, cut fingers, sprains, snake-bites. There was nothing about ants! Yet something must be done and instantly the feet were the worst. "Quick, quick! give me your foot, Muffie," she cried.