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'Yes, said Mr. Smithson, with his gentlemanlike drawl, 'Spanish America and the West Indies are delightful places to talk about. There are so many things one leaves out of the picture thieves, niggers, jiggers, snakes, mosquitoes, yellow Jack, creeping, crawling creatures of all kinds. I always feel very glad I have been to South America. 'Why?

The famous James Smithson was the first to give any real attention to these curious plant gems, but, though there can be no doubt of their authenticity, neither scientist nor merchant has followed this lead. One of the jewels, the bamboo opal, rivals the best stones in its delicate tints of red and green, but it is among the rarest, and 1,000 stems may be cut up before a single specimen be found.

If he had been free he would have asserted his authority as Lesbia's future husband; he would have taken her away from the Orleans; he would have told her plainly and frankly that Don Gomez was no fit person for her to know; and he would have so planned that they two should never meet again. But Horace Smithson was not free.

When the food was placed before him the man ate ravenously. The boys afterwards learned that he had not tasted a bite for two days, and they wondered at his having shown even as much patience as he did. Just as Mr. Smithson had said, the escaped lunatic became drowsy as soon as he finished eating. "Let me fix a nice cot for you here, prince.

Save me from the irrevocable wickedness of a loveless marriage. Forgive me, and let me go. No, this she could not bring herself to say. She did not like Mr. Smithson, but she valued the position he was able to give her.

'There are no nightingales after June. There is the Manola, as the band struck up, 'my very favourite waltz. Don Gomez was at her elbow at this moment 'May I have the honour of this waltz with you, Lady Lesbia? he asked; and then with a serio-comic glance at his stoutish friend, 'I don't think Smithson waltzes?

I strolled over to the post-office to find as usual another urgent wire from Smithson several days old, beseeching me to secure my pass for Astor at once.

This was the house which Lesbia had been brought to see, and through which she walked with the calmly critical air of a person who had seen so many palaces that one more or less could make no difference. In vain did Mr. Smithson peruse her countenance in the hope of seeing that she was impressed by the splendour of his surroundings, and by the power of the man who commanded such splendour.

The first to come were Peter J. Jensen, Lehi Smithson, James Hale, Heber Dalton and James Lee. In 1895, was added a saw-mill, built by Ellis W. Wiltbank and John M. Black. The name Greer was not applied till 1896. The postoffice dates from 1898. Altitudinous Agriculture at Alpine

Smithson," remarked Frank, in a low tone. "Look here, boys, you understand that I want to capture the gentleman very much indeed. Are you willing to give me a little assistance?" asked the warden. "Why, to be sure we will. It looks as though we might have some interest in his capture, too, judging by the way old Toby is loading up our good grub in those frying pans to suit his appetite.