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Smithson, of England, for the diffusion of knowledge, and which have heretofore been vested in public stocks until such time as Congress should think proper to give them a specific direction. Nor will you, I feel confident, permit any abatement of the principal of the legacy to be made should it turn out that the stocks in which the investments have been made have undergone a depreciation.

His work was mostly done before Dalton had announced the atomic theory; and yet Smithson saw clearly that a law of definite proportions must exist, although he did not attempt to account for it. His ability as a reasoner is best shown in his paper on the Kirkdale Bone Cave, which Penn had sought to interpret by reference to the Noachian Deluge.

If the gold changes back into one of the baser metals, it is only when Mr. Smithson has made all he wanted to make. And now he has quite done with the City. The House is the only business of his life; and he is becoming a power in the House. You have every reason to be proud of your choice, Lesbia. 'I will try to be proud of it, said Lesbia, resolutely.

She'd as soon elope with that wild-eyed scamp as eat her dinner, if it once entered her head." A knock came at the door, and Smithson entered and conferred with his employer over a telegram, while Gabriel rose to his feet.

She received Montesma with the faintest inclination of the head, and she carefully avoided all occasion of speech with him during the leisurely, long spun-out meal. She was as white as her muslin gown, and her eyes told of a sleepless night. She talked a little, very little to Lady Kirkbank and Mr. Smithson; to the Spaniard not at all.

"I shall not do anything to this house till he comes back," said Mrs. Phipps. "I expect he would like to have a voice in it. He always used to admire it and say how comfortable it was. Well, well, we never know what is before us." Mr. Smithson repeated the substance of the interview to Mr.

But, I confess, that little as I knew of the management of land, I quite sided with Mr. Smithson. He, silently prohibited from again speaking to my lady on the subject, opened his mind to Miss Galindo, from whom I was pretty sure to hear all the opinions and news of the household and village. She had taken a great fancy to me, because she said I talked so agreeably.

Unhappily for Lesbia Haselden, Montesma was not at all the kind of man to take so direct and open a course as that which she imagined possible. His business with Mr. Smithson was of quite a different kind. 'Smithson, do you know that you have an utterly incompetent crew? he said, gravely, when they two were standing aft, lighting their cigarettes. 'Indeed I do not.

"Smithson, this is no matter for ribald jest," said the lieutenant, sharply. "I beg pardon, sir; I meant to be quite serious." "I thank you, Smithson. You will grasp what I mean when you grow older. You may come to feel as I have felt for months past." "I hope not!" thought Dick. "I will continue, Smithson. We have met since, more than once; and yesterday I sent that idiot with a note."

In Smithson's day, chemical apparatus was undeveloped, and instruments were improvised from such materials as lay readiest to hand. With such instruments, and with crude reagents, Smithson obtained analytical results of the most creditable character, and enlarged our knowledge of many mineral species.