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Archie responded by gripping his companion tightly by the wrist, and the two young men stood listening to a faint rustling away to their left, till every sound they could hear came from behind them, where their commander and the Resident were still talking at the end of the veranda in a low tone. "Hear that?" said Archie. "Yes. Cat or some prowling thing smelling after the remains of the dinner."

So, after hitting my head violently against a cross-beam, I stumbled down some steps and entered a frowsty little place smelling of spilt beer and stale tobacco. The promised ham and eggs proved impossible there were no eggs to be had in Muirtown that night but I was given cold mutton and a pint of indifferent ale.

They are inhaled to irritate and injure the lining membrane of the lungs. Trifling as it may seem to many, I never find that a young woman keeps a cologne bottle in her dressing room, or a smelling bottle about her or perfumes her clothes or is in the habit of eating, every now and then, a little coriander, or fennel, or cloves, or cinnamon without trembling for her safety.

I began vigorously to stir the stuff in my skillet which now had stuck to the bottom and was smelling like the very old devil. Of course, my face would have been red, anyway leaning over the fire as I was! "Are you keeping anything from me?" she cried, I thought on the verge of "nerves," so hesitating no longer I arose and turned to her.

The unfortunates who are short of a sovereign or two must look up their old friend in the back shop smelling of bacon, tallow, pepper, tea, and whisky, just as their social superiors seek the intrepid sixty per cent. man of St. James's, whose snuggery is perfumed by the best Havannahs that other people's money can buy.

"Never!" growled Samuel Quirk. "Them noisy, dusty, smelling inventions of the !" "Hush!" cried Mrs. Quirk. "The devil never invented anything good." "And where's the good of them?" asked her husband. "They make a long and hard journey short and pleasant. But Miss O'Connor is right. You shall try what a motor is like, and if you don't take to it I will buy one for the mother myself," said Denis.

'No, no; he'll come sure enough, and fast enough oftener than he's wanted, he answered. 'Who was that at the door? 'Walter's father. 'Eh? Walter's father? What did he want? Is he smelling round too, to see if he can get anything? he said querulously. 'When you've given me that tea, I wish you to take my keys from my coat pocket and go up to the safe.

But in fact he found them tearing, great, smelly things. Obliged by Annette to have one a Rollhard with pearl-grey cushions, electric light, little mirrors, trays for the ashes of cigarettes, flower vases all smelling of petrol and stephanotis he regarded it much as he used to regard his brother-in-law, Montague Dartie.

In the second place, I shall be able to show you some rather good pictures of the French school 'I hate the French school! interjected Lesbia. 'Tricky, flashy, chalky, shallow, smelling of the footlights and the studio. 'Well, sink the pictures. You will meet some very charming people, belonging to that artist world which is not to be met everywhere.

Unlike most other members of their class, the driver-ants have no settled place of residence; they are vagabonds and wanderers upon the face of the earth, formican tramps, blind beggars, who lead a gipsy existence, and keep perpetually upon the move, smelling their way cautiously from one camping-place to another.