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'Well, that's done it, remarked Easton, as he got up and opened the window. 'It's about time you was buried, if the smell's anything to go by, said Harlow, addressing Wantley, who laughed and appeared to think he had distinguished himself.

Satchell's cream and butter will bear comparison with yours." "I can't say, sir, I'm sure. It's seldom I see other folks's butter, though there's some on it as one's no need to see the smell's enough." "Ah, now this I like," said Mr. Donnithorne, looking round at the damp temple of cleanliness, but keeping near the door.

Then his anger and anxiety burst out. "What difference can it make about her? About Donaldson's wife? About any hang-over from that rotten time? They're gone, all of them. He's here. He's safe and happy. He's strong and fine. That's gone." In the lower hall Dick was taking off his overcoat. "Smell's like chicken, Minnie," he said, into the dining room. "Chicken and biscuits, Mr. Dick."

"Man, jock, they've got a new ile for training and rubbin' up the fitballers noo. It's whit they ca' herbuline, and it keeps out the cauld and warms ye unca' much; but the smell's sae strong that it nearly blin's ye."

'Look here, leave enough in the bottle to wet father's head all over with in case any emergency emerges and let's make up with paraffin. I expect it's the smell that does the good really and the smell's exactly the same.

And so, I'm for holding with both sides; for, as I say, the truth lies between 'em. And if Dowlas was to go and stand, and say he'd never seen a wink o' Cliff's Holiday all the night through, I'd back him; and if anybody said as Cliff's Holiday was certain sure, for all that, I'd back him too. For the smell's what I go by."

"'Nother invalid, ses he; 'fust mate's gone stark, staring mad! "'Mad? ses I. "'Yes, ses he. 'He's got a big basin in the galley, an' he's laughing like a hyener an' mixing bilge-water an' ink, an' paraffin an' butter an' soap an' all sorts o' things up together. The smell's enough to kill a man; I've had to come away.

He held one of the halves to his nose. "Smells all right," he said. "But it looks all wrong," Wild Water contended. "An' how can it smell when the smell's frozen along with the rest of it? Wait a minute." He put the two halves into a frying-pan and placed the latter on the front lid of the hot stove. Then the three men, with distended, questing nostrils, waited in silence.

"Places do have that effect with some," Cai assented again, but more dejectedly. Horrid apprehension if 'Bias should extend his dislike to Troy itself! "I'm feeling better already," 'Bias continued, answering and allaying this unspoken fear. "Is that the gasworks yonder?" "Yes. The real scenery's at the other end o' the town." "The smell's healthy, they tell me."

"They tell ME," the workman answered "they tell ME she's goin' to be a butterine factory again. Anyways, I hope she won't be anything to smell like that glue-works you got over there not while I'm workin' around her, anyways!" "That smell's all right," Adams said. "You soon get used to it." "You do?" The man appeared incredulous. "Listen!