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During the boom period the larger effort of production was to serve itself and hence, the moment the people woke up, many producers went to smash. They said that they had entered into a "period of depression." Really they had not. They were simply trying to pit nonsense against sense which is something that cannot successfully be done.

He looked forward eagerly to the moment when he would walk into Larssen's private office and smash a fist through his hoped-for control of Hudson Bay. Until that moment, he would keep outwardly to the identity of John Rivière.

Not in th' heat o' passion, but for filthy gain, has a free people come to this? The heads o' kings fell on the bloody block for less crime in days not so soft spoken as these. Is y'r freedom, freedom to right or to wrong? Is it to send y'r Nation smash over the precipice? Wayland, is this Democracy?" The Ranger did not answer for a moment.

You mustn't drive down here, for the bridge is down." "Bridge down!" ejaculated John Laning. "Darwell said he was going to mend it this week, but I saw no sign up at the cross-roads." "Neither did we, and we came near to going overboard. As it is, we had a pretty bad smash up!" "Indeed!" came from Mrs. Stanhope, in alarm. "And was anybody hurt?"

They knew that this man had the power to deprive them of the means of earning a living; that he possessed the power to deprive their children of bread. Owen, listening to Hunter over the banisters upstairs, felt that he would like to take him by the throat with one hand and smash his face in with the other. And then?

Besides, she resembled her mother, a stout laboring woman who died at her work and who had served as beast of burden to old Macquart for more than twenty years. Her mother's shoulders had been heavy enough to smash through doors, but that didn't prevent her from being soft-hearted and madly attracted to people.

We cannot smash or disable Germany, however completely we may defeat her, because we can do that only by killing her women; and it is trifling to pretend that we are capable of any such villainy. Even to embarrass her financially by looting her would recoil on ourselves, as she is one of our commercial customers and one of our most frequently visited neighbors.

Ask Captain Robinson here. . . . And there was another shipowning fellow a fat chap in a white waistcoat in Wellington, who seemed to think I was up to some swindle or other. 'I don't know what sort of fool you're looking for, he says, 'but I am busy just now. Good morning. I longed to take him in my two hands and smash him through the window of his own office. But I didn't.

"Yes, I've noticed that of late." "And that isn't all," went on Young. "Larch is going to come a cropper, if I'm any judge." "What do you mean?" Again the Colonel seemed puzzled. "I mean he's going to smash financially. He's been making some poor investments of late, as well as gambling heavily, and his money can't last forever. He had a lot, but most of it is gone." "I hadn't heard that."

Just what would take place then he did not know, but he was willing to take great risks in order to get hold of the packet. He did not know what it contained, but he did know that it was claimed by the enemies of his government, that it held papers which, if brought out, might smash several international treaties.