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Will you go away from New York forever, if I pay over to you every cent that I received for my share in Van Slye's " "No!" he almost shouted. "You can't buy me off. I was willing to do the right thing a minute ago. Now, you've gone and spoiled it all." He clapped his hands to his eyes; his big frame shook with rage. She went quickly to him. "Now, I know you are a man a big man, Tom.

Oh, I read the society news. Is she pretty?" "She reminds me of her father." "Then she looks like that African gazelle we had with Van Slye's! Poor girl!" "I don't like her," said David. Then he related his experience with the young woman. His hearers were disgusted but not surprised. "They're all alike," commented Joey. "They're bad, them Grands father, mother and daughter.

From to-day I am to be recognized as one of the proprietors of Van Slye's Circus. Do you grasp it?" David, a great lump in his throat, merely nodded. "Considerable of my time henceforth will be spent with the show. I intend to elevate you to better associations. You are of my own class. I'm going to give you the society that you, as a Jenison of the Virginia Jenisons, deserve.

Before the expiration of half an hour's time every man, woman and child connected with Van Slye's Great and Only Mammoth Shows knew that David Jenison, the murderer, was among them and that he was to be protected. The word went slyly, by whisper, from car to ear, down to the lowliest canvasman.

With this small fortune in his possession he resumed the journey, now closely guarded by old Jeff, who always had been a slave to the Jenisons and would be till he died, Abraham Lincoln to the contrary. David's constant prayer was that he might not be too late. He was destined to find many changes in Van Slye's Great and Only Mammoth Shows.

Your uncle says this to him: 'Let me know the minute he gets here, that's all. He's sure to come, sooner or later, curse him. Then he went away. My job was over. I'd laid the fuse. Nothing more for me to do but to take a train for the 'great and only' Van Slye's. Here I am, and, Joey, here's that envelope you took from David and hid so carefully in the lining of your satchel.

Well, what does the Colonel do, after the show gets to going well, but drop in occasionally just as he did to Van Slye's circus, and proceed before long to make love to Ruby. Yes, sir! That's what he did, the hell-rotter that he is. Soon as Joey finds out his game, he up and takes a fall out of him. Then the Colonel threatens to put him out of business.

"Yas, 'r; a circus band," vouchsafed the guide, a sudden eagerness in his voice. "Van Slye's Great and Only Mammoth Shows " "A circus?" interrupted one of the men gruffly. "Then the whole town is full of strangers. That's bad for us, Blake." "I don't see why. He's more than likely to be where the excitement's highest, ain't he? He's not too old for that.

In his eagerness he was starting for the door when a sharp cry fell from her lips. He hesitated, struck by the note of consternation in the cry. A carriage had drawn up at the curb in front of the house. A face appeared at the open window of the vehicle, a never-to-be-forgotten face that brought to mind the African gazelle in Van Slye's. David turned. For a moment he could not believe his eyes.

Ten minutes later, after two men had witnessed their signatures, the document reposed in Bob Grand's pocketbook. The next morning Mary Braddock appeared before the master of Van Slye's Circus and offered her interest for sale. He calmly announced that he could not afford to put any more money into the concern. "I must sell out," she said. "All the money I have in the world is in this show."