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Several of us rode into the herd, while the remainder retained their positions as sentinels to hold the main body of cattle in shape. Little G and I rode slowly among the cattle looking everywhere. The animals moved sluggishly aside to give us passage, and closed in as sluggishly behind us, so that we were always closely hemmed in wherever we went.

Then we began to look for him. We found that Yank had disappeared! At that, a little alarmed, we set ourselves to a serious search and inquiry. A few remembered to have seen him, but were vague as to when and where. The authorities moved sluggishly, and with little enthusiasm. Men were dying every day; and disappearing underground, leaving no trace of themselves behind.

The dam itself was rarely frozen over; and it was by the water remaining in it, or flowing sluggishly through it and thus giving it time to cool that the stream immediately below got frozen over. The lake lay just on the other side of the ridge, and was now only hidden from their view by the rise of the ground.

He happily discovered that the pails under the forward thwart had not been carried away, and all started in to bail. It was a back-breaking job, and consumed the greater part of two hours. Even at the end of that time the wanigan, though dry of loose water, floated but sluggishly. "'Bout two ton of water in them bed-rolls and turkeys," grumbled Charlie. "Well, get at it!"

Late in the afternoon the party crossed a small stream of warm water upon the sluggishly moving surface of which floated countless millions of tiny green eggs surrounded by a light scum of the same color, though of a darker shade.

Crowland is at the confluence of two rivers, which flow sluggishly through this flat but beautiful and verdant region. The remains of the old abbey still stand, built on piles driven into the marshy ground, and they form at the present time a very interesting mass of ruins.

I had no thought to increase the oxygen control. I could not find it; or it would not operate. I realized that I was fighting sluggishly, almost aimlessly. But so was Coniston! It seemed dreamlike. A phantasmagoria of blows and staggering steps. A nightmare with only the horrible vision of this goggled helmet always before my eyes. It seemed that we were rolling on the ground, back on the summit.

Within the stone foundations the smoke from the still smouldering debris rose sluggishly. I turned away from it all, saying: "Let us worry no more over that spilled milk. Fortunately the greater part of our crates and baskets were under the shed. Take the children, Merton, and pick over the raspberry patches carefully once more, while I go to work in the garden.

Simon Nishikanta did not dare, nor did he know what to do; but he was saved from his perplexity by the shout: "Here she comes!" All rushed to holding-ground, and held, while the whale broke more timbers and the Mary Turner rolled sluggishly down and back again. "Lower away! On the run! Lively!" Captain Doane's orders were swiftly obeyed.

But if no lake lies in the way the finer earth will still travel on, and the river will take up more and more as it flows, till at last it will leave this too on the plains across which it moves sluggishly along, or will deposit it at its mouth when it joins the sea. Week 15