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He had clutched the edge of the piano as his legs gave under him. That, and the quickness of the detective, made the fall more like a gentle sliding to the floor. Save for the one, gurgling outcry, no word came from him. He was unconscious, his colourless lips again twisted to that poor semblance of smiling defiance which Hastings had noticed at the beginning of the interview. Dr.

"Not exactly," I answered. "I read half of it the other day to a fellow whose brother knows Robert Edeson; but he had to catch a train before I finished." "Go on," said Hollis, sliding back in his chair like a good fellow. "I'm no stage carpenter, but I'll tell you what I think of it from a first-row balcony standpoint.

Slone studied the level forest floor sliding toward him. He lost his hope then regained it again, and then he spurred the horse. Wildfire hated that as he hated Slone. But apparently he did not quicken his strides. And Slone could not tell if he lengthened them.

The river knew where it was going; not so we: the less our hurry, where we found good quarters and a pleasant theatre for a pipe. At that hour, stockbrokers were shouting in Paris Bourse for two or three per cent; but we minded them as little as the sliding stream, and sacrificed a hecatomb of minutes to the gods of tobacco and digestion. Hurry is the resource of the faithless.

"He's perfectly wild, too, at times," Mrs. Perkins continued. "He wants to do such fearful things. I caught him sliding down the banisters yesterday head-foremost, and you know how he was at the Mountain House all summer long. Perfectly irrepressible." "That's very true," said Thaddeus. "I was speaking of it to the doctor up there, and asked him what he thought I'd better do."

His removal was one kind of quick dodge in the art of quitting; that of the viper another, and a very beastly one. The crawling thing was not much more than one-tenth of a second after the poor bank-vole in getting under way, and the rest was a was a oh, anything you please! I call it a sliding flicker that you rather "felt" than saw.

He observed an improvised windbreak of canvas, and a charcoal brasier in the corner. "And how do you manage to work that sliding roof in snowy weather?" he asked. "A broom, a shovel, some salt to melt the ice, and a little oil for the wheels"

Sponge, replied Buckram, sliding several consecutive half-crowns down the incline plane of his pocket. 'Well, Mr. Sponge, I shall be happy to do my best for you.

Having achieved this performance, he cast it on the ground, and sliding down the pole with inconceivable rapidity, alighted on his feet almost as soon as it had touched the earth.

He went out to see what had done it. I guess he didn't find it, for he went out several times after that. Oh, I made him dance a merry dance," chuckled Stacy. "By and by I went to sleep. That was the last I knew until I found myself sliding out of the tent on my back." Everyone shouted. Stacy's droll way of telling the story was too much for them. "So that was the way of it, eh?" questioned Ned.