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And he reversed his own former process in imitation of them. He had supposed until now that a collie's hair, like a man's, ought to be slicked down smooth for state occasions. And it troubled him to find that Chum's coat rebelled against such treatment. Now, under the reverse process, it stood out in wavy freedom.

But he was confident a day would come. On the same wall he faced also a series of photographs of himself. These were stills to be one day shown to a director who would thereupon perceive his screen merits. There was Merton in the natty belted coat, with his hair slicked back in the approved mode and a smile upon his face; a happy, careless college youth.

His fur, slicked flat to his strongly muscled body, began to dry in the air and fluff out while the sun awoke prismatic lights on the scales which covered his hands and feet. He dispatched the fish and cleaned it neatly, tossing the offal back into the water, where some shadowy things arose to tear at the unusual bounty. "This is not hunting ground." His message formed in Dalgard's mind.

Come, go! you've slicked up enough you're handsome enough to shew yourself to her any time o' day, for all her jig-em-bobs." "Where is aunt Lucy?" "She's up stairs; there's been nobody to see to her but me. She's had the hull lower part of the house to herself, kitchen and all, and she's done nothing but go out of one room into another ever since she come.

There was the usual crowd of loafers waiting for the boat all perched along the stringpiece of the wharf. "But I declare!" thought Janice, her eyes dancing, "somebody certainly has 'slicked 'em up, as Mrs. Scattergood would say. Whoever would believe it! Walky has got a new shirt on and straw cuffs, too and a necktie! My goodness me!

The word had been passed around for a good many miles, and consequently a crowd numbering over a hundred had assembled on the field, including half a dozen ladies and several children. The cowboys were out "on parade," as Mr. Endicott expressed it, and each wore his best riding outfit, and had his horse and trappings "slicked up" to the last degree.

He saw a girl in a short khaki skirt and high laced boots and a pongee blouse belted trimly with leather, bending her head over the mouthpiece of the telephone. She had on a beach hat that carried the full flavor of Venice in texture and tilt, and her hair was a ripe corn color, slicked back from her temples in the fashion of the month.

"Why, you had a fight about me!" "No, I didn't." "With Wesley Bender!" Ramsey chuckled. "That wasn't a fight!" "It wasn't?" "Nothing like one. We were just guyin' him about about gettin' slicked up, kind of, because he at in front of you; and he hit me with his book strap and I chased him off. Gracious, no; that wasn't a fight!" "But you fought Linski only last fall." Ramsey chuckled again.

"No-o," he answered. "I generally cal'late to come in every little while and clean up. Mother was always a great one for keepin' things slicked up," he added, apologetically, "and I I kind of like to think 'twould please her. Foolish, I presume likely, but well, foolish things seem to come natural to me. Got a kind of a gift for 'em, as you might say.

Half an hour later he came downstairs, all shaved and slicked up in a white sweater, white tennis shoes, with a silk handkerchief about his neck, and a fatigue cap set rakishly on the side of his head, as if there were no such thing as hot weather or war, while his orderly went up and brought his equipment down to the terrace, and began such a beating, brushing, and cleaning of boots as you never saw.