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What had she up her sleeve now? he wondered. While he could scarcely regard Jack, Shand, and Joe in the light of deliverers, his galled pride forbade him to put himself in her hands again. He suddenly made up his mind. "Go ahead!" he said harshly. "Go anywhere you like! I stay here!" Bela changed colour, and a real fear showed in her eyes. She moved toward him involuntarily.

If I'd had time to think, I'd have thought very strong beer of myself. But now I'm oh, a giddy little stranger that's taken the wrong turning and got in among the Birds of Paradise." And he touched gingerly the sleeve of her frock, "Lady Elizabeth's," she said. "You score. Dick. You've got your own, and they fit." "Do I fit?" asked Dick.

"Why, Kit, what's the matter with your arm?" cried Stella. Kit's arm was hanging by his side, and his coat sleeve near his shoulder was stained with blood. "Shot!" answered Kit laconically. "Bad?" asked Stella anxiously. "Not so very. Just touched the bone. But it has been bleeding like the deuce." "Ted, take charge of the prisoner. Kit, get off that horse and let me see that wound."

"Here, Master Scar," he cried excitedly, catching the lad by the sleeve, "is it true?" "Is what true?" "That the war's coming nigher our way, and they've sent for the master to fight?" "Yes, Nat; true enough," said the lad, proudly drawing himself up. "Sir Godfrey and I are going off to the wars to-morrow morning." "You, Master Scar? You?" "Yes, Nat; to-morrow."

Then is the moment for the sportsman, who, concealed in a large thicket and comfortably seated at the summit of the hill, listens and laughs in his sleeve as he hears the affrighted partridge call, and the timid hare rushing through the vines towards him; they approach, are within range of his gun, and ere long the shot-bag is emptied, and the sportsman is in that rare but agreeable dilemma of not knowing what to do with his game or his gun.

'I ask your pardon, learned governor, said Riderhood, smearing his sleeve across his mouth as he laughed with a relish, 'tain't fair to the lambs, I know. It wos a bit of fun of mine. But upon my soul I drawed this here bundle out of a river! It's a Bargeman's suit of clothes. You see, it had been sunk there by the man as wore it, and I got it up.

It made me turn faint, with some weakness that must have come down to me from my infant days, so meaningless was it. I did not hear his answer; for with the same passionate feebleness I caught the sleeve of his dressing-gown in my fingers, and began smoothing it. It was the first thing I had ever made for him. I remembered how proud I was the evening he put it on.

Jane had shrunk back behind one of the big folding doors and stood concealed from the gaze of the astonished crowd, many of whom were pressing into the entrance. Her head was on the doctor's shoulder, her fingers had tight hold of his sleeve. Doctor John's arms were about her frail figure, his lips close to her cheek. "Don't, dear don't," he said softly.

Nevertheless he would not let her stand on it until he had gone back to the rill to dip in the cold water the sleeve which he tore from his shirt; with this he bandaged the ankle tightly. As he steadied her to her feet again he could see that in spite of her attempt to smile the pain was acute for a moment. She tried the injured foot gingerly and presently was able to limp without his support.

He clasped his hands upon the saddle-horn and, stealthily loosening the dagger-point from the hem of his sleeve, slid the weapon cautiously into his hand. When he felt the handle against his palm, he knew that he had been holding his breath, and that the sigh he gave was an involuntary relief that the others had not glimpsed the blade under his clasped fingers.