United States or Heard Island and McDonald Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

These figures, if we cannot quite consent that they are persons, exist in our memories by force of their creator's imagination, and at the moment I cannot think of any others that do, out of the myriad of American short stories, except Rip Van Winkle out of Irving's Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Marjorie Daw out of Mr. Aldrich's famous little caprice of that title, and Mr. James's Daisy Miller.

The object at which they aimed was almost gained at the point when we introduce them to the reader. "Taniel!" said Fergus, coming to a sudden halt. "Well?" exclaimed the other. "It iss sleepy that I am. Maybe if I wass to lie down " He ceased to speak. Davidson looked anxiously into his face, and saw that he had already begun to give way to irresistible drowsiness.

He is coming back, and and he must not see you here. Oh, I love him I love him! He is the only one I ever loved. We understand each other perfectly. He is the sweetest, dearest thing in the world. I had him in my arms just now, and he seemed to melt into me and become myself and yet remain himself. He is coming to take me away. Go, I am sleepy so sleepy and happy oh, so happy!

There's no one nowadays who steals, no one who commits murder or wrongs the widow and the fatherless, and of course no one hates or persecutes his neighbour any more, and it wouldn't occur to any of us, who have such a good religion, to do any wrong!" "There are many things that aren't just as they ought to be," drawled Halvor. He sounded sleepy, and anything but interested.

Says the worthy diarist: "He was a man of medium stature, slender but very graceful, with almost effeminate hands and feet the former scrupulously kept, the latter neatly shod and with a certain air of fragility; very soft blue eyes with sleepy lids; a classically correct nose; short upper lip; rosy, moist lips.

The next moment old Mason the butler was in the room again, this time in great excitement. "There's someone in the garden with her Ladyship, ma'am," he cried. "I think I think it's my Lord!" "Who?" asked Mina, sitting up, feigning to be calm and sleepy. "Mr Harry, I mean, ma'am." "Oh! Well then, go and see." The old man turned and went out into the hall. "How are you, Mason?" she heard Harry say.

At last the boats all disappeared into the darkness, and the little camp was made ready for night. The open air made every one sleepy but Miss Barbara, who consoled herself by thinking that if she did not sleep it would be little matter; she had been awake many a night in her life and felt none the worse.

"Telephone Sleepy Cat for a substitute. Suppose we go back, get something to eat, and you two ride singly over toward the Gap this afternoon; lie outside under cover to see whether Sassoon or his friends leave before night there's only one way out of the place, they tell me. Then I will join you, and we'll ride in before daylight, and perhaps catch him while everybody is asleep."

The truth was that she did none of the things he had half expected of her. She was sitting before a log fire, surrounded by a group of Harrisons and Powells, who had been prevailed upon to spend the night, and when he entered she gave him a sleepy little nod from the corner of a rosewood sofa. As she lay back in the firelight she was like a drowsy kitten that had just awakened from a nap.

Among the hundred girls, one would be sure to find one or two whom one could really like." Harold laughed again, a sleepy laugh, which brought a flash into his sister's eyes. That was the worst of Harold; he was so superior!