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Bertram Chadgrove, half aroused by the strong light of the moon in his face, opened his dark eyes sleepily for a few minutes, and then turned over towards the wall, and prepared to slumber again. Yes; there could be no mistaking it! There was certainly a sound a muffled, curious sound within the very wall itself. He pressed his ear against the panel, and his eyes shone brightly in the moonlight.

His own identity was fading out into a grey impalpable world: the solid world itself, which these dead had one time reared and lived in, was dissolving and dwindling. A few light taps upon the pane made him turn to the window. It had begun to snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight.

In all likelihood Miss Gloria, healthy, tired young animal, would have slept until noon next day had she been left to her own devices. But at nine o'clock her mother came up with a breakfast-tray. Gloria regarded it sleepily. "I would have let you sleep, my dear," said Mrs. Gaynor, "but there are your guests, you know " "Hang my guests," was Gloria's morning greeting.

Notwithstanding the experience of the evening, Patty slept dreamlessly all night, and was only awakened, when Jane came in the morning with her breakfast tray. "Hello, Jane," she said, sleepily, opening her eyes, "will you ask Mrs. Fairfield to come up here right away?" "What is it, Patty?" said Nan, appearing a moment later; "are you ill? Jane said you wanted me right away."

In front he saw ever so many carts and vans, and behind there were as many more. There were horses in groups of five or six, and men walking sleepily along by the hedge. Now and then the lion roared, but not very loudly; now and then one of the men spoke to his horses; now and then a match was struck to light a pipe.

Then there was an answer at once and they knew what was to be done. But now there are no more oracles, not even in Greece. Isn't that too bad?" "Yes, that is too bad," said Ritz rather sleepily, "but I am sure you will think of another example."

The particular Jelly-bean patch which produced the protagonist of this history lies somewhere between the two a little city of forty thousand that has dozed sleepily for forty thousand years in southern Georgia occasionally stirring in its slumbers and muttering something about a war that took place sometime, somewhere, and that everyone else has forgotten long ago. Jim was a Jelly-bean.

I was lazily and sleepily regretting that such caresses only came in dreams, when I was brought sharply back to full life by a ripple of hearty laughter. "Gloat on!" said I complacently. "I knew you'd slip some time or other. Gloat! Of course I shall gloat." And she laughed again.

"All right," he said sleepily. "I was only tired." She lifted one of the limp hands and pressed it to her cheek. "I've been so worried about you," she purred. "I couldn't put my mind on anything else. I haven't known what I was saying, I've been so worried."

A note of laughter was irresistibly tickled out of him. She said very sleepily, "Mark, are you laughing? What are you laughing at?" He patted her shoulder. "Oh, nothing." One nature? One nature? In the fifth year of their married life thoughts of her and of the poignant and tremendous adventure on which they were embarked together were no longer possible while she lay in bed beside him.