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Robinson, which begins: "Oft thou hast led, when I brought up the Rere, In bloody wars where thousands have been slaine."

Robinson, which begins: Oft thou hast led, when I brought up the Rere, In bloody wars where thousands have been slaine."

Dauid king of Scots retired home. Simon Dun. R. Houe. Alberike de Uéer slaine. Wil. Malm.

The first brunt of his furious attempts after he was out of his countrie, Edilwalke the king of the Southsaxons tasted, who in defense of himselfe comming to trie battell with Ceadwalla, was slaine with the most part of all his armie.

Ravens and swallows both, at times, prognosticate death. In Lloyd's Stratagems of Jerusalem he says: "By swallows lighting upon Pirrhus' tents, and lighting upon the mast of Mar. Antonius' ship, sailing after Cleopatra to Egypt, the soothsayers did prognosticate that Pirrhus should be slaine at Argos in Greece, and Mar. Antonius in Egypt."

In the meane while, the earle of Leicester passed forward on his waie so farre as Fornham a little village beside S. Edmundsburie. Houed. ¶ But here is to be noted, that it séemeth by the report of some writers, how the earle of Leicester had not so great an armie there at that battell, as by others account of the number slaine and taken it should appeare he had.

Why, how now, Fellowes? what makes you presse in here thus rudely? Whom do you follow? Con. Madam, Ime sorry my authority Enforces me to doe it: your sonn iust now Has slaine one Mr. Thurstone, and the law Commaunds us apprehend him. Y. M. Here take my sword: When I but doe waigh the iustnes of the cause For which I suffer, though I could escape, My Conscience would forbid me.

The like is founde in the booke of Samuel, after that Dauid had slaine Goliath, that many women came out of all the townes of Israel singing and daunsing before King Saule, with tabours, rebeckes, and other instrumentes of harmonie, or musicke.

The head capteine yet, and eight centurions, and euerie one else of the companies being most forward, were slaine. Shortlie after they set vpon the Romane forragers, and put them to flight, and also such companies of horssemen as were appointed to gard them.

The alarme giuen, they tooke themselues to their bowes, and we to our armes: some three or foure of them at the first were slaine with our shot; the rest fled into the woods.