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And then, under a brisk fire, they mounted double and galloped away unharmed! In the fulness of time Slade's myrmidons captured his ancient enemy Jules, whom they found in a well-chosen hiding-place in the remote fastnesses of the mountains, gaining a precarious livelihood with his rifle.

Slade's words of the long ago recurred to her. "A soft front lawn to range in," she quoted aloud. The reason for her restlessness came with the words. Deane planned with her of evenings but the planning was all of play. No word of work crept into it. If only he would accept her as wholly into that part of his life as he did into the rest.

The moment the slackening hoist rope told him that Elsie had steadied her foster-sister down upon the cliff foot, Lennon ran to descend the rope ladder. Time was passing, and there was still much to be done. He must catch and saddle three good horses. Slade's punchers might not come for four or five hours.

She observed another man one of Slade's dodge behind a card table, rest his pistol for an instant on its top, and shoot at Shorty. She saw Shorty snap a shot at the man, saw the man's head wobble as he sank behind the table. And then she was suddenly aware that it was ended. A ghastly silence fell.

"Slade's Hole isn't known outside of Barrell Alley, Tom," he said impressively, although in the same cautious undertone, "but Tom Slade is known from one end of this sector to the other." "Thatchy's what they called me in Toul sector, 'cause my hair's always mussed up, I s'pose, and "

"Air may be all right in the cave. Good water there, too. Says so himself. By Slade's account he's a pretty capable citizen when it comes to looking after himself. Wouldn't wonder if we'd find him fit as a fiddle." "There was no clue to Ives and McGuire?" asked Barnett presently. "None." It was the captain who answered.

It was not jealousy of his comrade, but emulation, and also a desire to meet his own exacting standards. As he disappeared with his picked sharpshooters and turned the shoulder of the mountain his blood was still hot, but his Vermont head was as cool as the ice upon which he trod. Warner heard the distant reports of Slade's rifle, and also the crackle of the firing in reply.

The result was that delays ceased, the company's property was let alone, and no matter what happened or who suffered, Slade's coaches went through, every time! True, in order to bring about this wholesome change, Slade had to kill several men some say three, others say four, and others six but the world was the richer for their loss.

Slade's a-dyin' to-night, over yonder." "She wants me?" "She's one o' your congregation, an' can't die easy till you've seen her. I reckon she's got something 'pon her mind; an' I was to fetch you over, quick as I could." As she spoke the church clock down in the town chimed out the hour, and immediately after, ten strokes sounded on the clear air.

"You've increased right fast," Slade remarked. "I'd think you'd want to stay where you was doing so well. How much do you want?" "Five dollars straight through," Carp said. "Cheap enough," Slade answered. "If only a man was in the market." He looked straight at Carp and the man's eyes slipped away from Slade's steady gaze. "But I'm not buying. Likely Morrow will buy you out."