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Templeton relieved him in her mind of the damning count of being a slacker. Later, becoming impressed with the enthusiasm of the young man's devotion to various forms of patriotic war service at home, she finally, though it must be confessed with something of an effort, had granted him a place within the circle of her home.

For as surely as work is health and strength and honor and happiness and life, so surely is idleness disease and weakness and shame and misery and death. The home builder, the waster, the gambler, the loyal citizen, the slacker, the honest and dishonest they were all there at the pay window of the Mill. And to each the pay envelope meant a different thing.

"I'm not so sure of that, daddy," she murmured. "Then take my word for it," he replied, and he got up from the chair, though still holding her. "I'll have to go now.... But I've shown my hand to you. Your happiness is more to me than anythin' else in this world. You love that boy. He loves you. An' I never met a finer lad! Wal, here's the point. He need be no slacker to stay home.

"By jove! the fellow has made up his mind to desert already!" he thought. "Why? He hasn't the air of a slacker." There was no language he could choose in this group made up from a dozen countries, which might not be understood by one or all. The only thing was to trust to the other's quickness of comprehension, as the speaker had trusted to his.

I'm too angry to flatter you, Stephen, but you have some influence " Festing laughed. "All the influence I've got won't go far with Bob. I don't say the fellow's vicious, but he's an extravagant slacker and a fool, which is perhaps as bad. Anyhow, if he can be reformed at all, it's Sadie's business, and I've no doubt she finds it an arduous job.

But to his great relief Flamby did not accuse him of being concerned in the matter. "I felt a rotten little slacker," explained Flamby; "I wrote and told you so. Did you get the letter?" "Of course. Surely I replied?" "I don't remember if you did, but I told Chauvin and he recommended my work to them and they said I could do twelve drawings.

The problem which confronts the law-maker, even when he is sympathetic with the rights of conviction, is the grave difficulty of determining where to draw the line of special exception to general requirements and how to discover the sincerity of conscientious objection to war. The "slacker" is always a stern possibility. There must be no holes in the net for him to escape through.

The saddest case I can remember is that of poor Charles Vanderpoop. He was a bright young lad, and showed some promise of rising to heights as a slacker. He fell in this fashion. One Easter term his form had half-finished a speech of Demosthenes, and the form-master gave them to understand that they would absorb the rest during the forthcoming term.

There was nothing gentle in his voice this time as he sharply commanded: "Look at me, you damn slacker, and let's see if I'm talking to the man I fought the Boche with!" I must have appeared rather well indignant with him, for he gave a low, reassured laugh, adding: "That's better.

In the committee room of a local council or city corporation, the humblest employees of the committee find defenders if they complain of harsh treatment. Gratuities are voted, indulgences and holidays are pleaded for, delinquencies are excused in the most sentimental manner provided only the employee, however patent a hypocrite or incorrigible a slacker, is hat in hand.