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"Care not, O Concho," he would say to himself, "'tis but a little while, only a little while, and thou shalt have another Francisquita to bless thee. Eh, skipjack, there was a fine music to thy dancing. A dollar for an ounce, 'tis as good as silver, and merrier."

"Then Jock's name is John Lucas, and we did mean to call him by the second, but it wouldn't stick. Names won't sometimes, and there's a formality in Lucas that would never fit that skipjack of a boy. He got called Jock as a nickname, and now he will abide by it. But Joseph Armine's second name does fit him, and so we have kept to it; and Barbara was dear grandmamma's own name, and quite our own."

You must learn to raise your hand at the end of each throw, and lift the flies clean over the land-weeds: or you will lose time, and frighten all the fish, by crawling to the bank to unhook them. Believe me, one of the commonest mistakes into which young anglers fall is that of fishing in 'skipjack broad; in plain English, in mid-stream, where few fish, and those little ones, are to be caught.

"The doctor thinks he is," said John; "but then he doesn't know the nature of the Skipjack. But," he added, in a low voice, "that night was enough to make any one grave, and it was much the worst to Jock, because he kept his senses almost all the time, and was a good deal hurt besides to begin with. His sprain is still so bad that he has to be carried upstairs and to go to the baths in a chair."

And John found himself without much volition lifted and helped into the carriage, where Cecil Evelyn scrambled up beside him, and put an arm round him. "Poor old Monk, you are dead beat," he said, as the carriage turned, the other two walking beside it. "Did you come that pace all the way down?" "Only after the wood." "Well, 'twas as plucky a thing as I ever saw. But is Skipjack so bad?"

In a few moments Concho was again disporting with it; chasing it here and there, rolling it in his palms and laughing with boy-like glee at its elusive freaks and fancies. "Ah, sprightly one, skipjack, there thou goest, come here. This way, now I have thee, little one, come, muchacha, come and kiss me," until he had quite forgotten the defection of his companions.

Kenelm's, From the Folly and from Kencroft. Robert, the aspiring soldier, Robert, too, the sucking chemist, John, the Skipjack full of mischief, John, the great originator, Allen, the- " "Allen the uncommon gaby," broke in Bobus. "Come, don't waste time, something must be done." "Yes, a rational letter must be written and signed by you all," said his mother.

"He can't get on without it," said the Friar. "And comes for it like the cattle to the scrubbing-stones," said the Skipjack. "Yes," said Armine; "but he tries to get pitied, like Chico walking on three legs when some one is looking at him." "You deal in most elegant comparisons," said the mother. "Only to get him a little more pitied," said Jock.

The Skipjack stood a long time considering; at last people thought that he could not jump at all. "I only hope he's not become unwell," said the Yard Dog, and then he smelt at him again. "Tap!" he sprang with a little crooked jump just into the lap of the Princess, who sat on a low golden stool.

Already on a sandy beach outside, we had caught sight of unmistakable coconut trees; some of them, however, dying, dead, even snapped short off, either by the force of the hurricane, or by the ravages of the beetle, which seems minded of late years to exterminate the coconut throughout the West Indies; belonging, we are told, to the Elaters fire-fly, or skipjack beetles.