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The effort so worked on the feelings of one of the younger pupils that she burst into tears, and offered the bone man her piece of cake. Matty Cann looked eager, but the Professor smartly intervened. "Excuse me, young lady," he said suavely, "but visitors are requested not to feed the Living Skeleton. Living Skeletons are very delicately organised, madame," he continued, addressing the teacher.

She walked hurriedly up the street she had just left, and before going another block came across two skeletons lying right in the middle of the street. A little farther on, and she began to find skeletons on every hand. Moreover and this is especially significant the buildings in this locality showed a great many gaps and holes in their walls, such as might have been made by shell-fire.

Leslie was agreeably surprised at these men's appearance, now that they had removed from their persons the most repulsive evidences of their late misfortune, for whereas when he had taken them off the raft they were a pair of perfect scarecrows, mere skeletons, dirty, and in rags, they now although still of course thin, haggard, and cadaverous-looking wore the semblance of thoroughly honest, trustworthy, and respectable seamen.

The skeletons of fallen beasts standing up out of the dust, and the bleached jawbones of camels and asses, which shone much whiter than the desert-sand on which they lay, seemed to have come to life and motion, and made her think of the tiger-teeth of the bearded ruffian.

Living Skeletons have to be handled gingerly, madam. I am sure the ruffian deserves all you can give him. May I inquire what villain's work he is guilty of?" "He's been proposin' marriage, that's what he's been doin'," cried Mrs. Spink. "I'm a widder lady, and he's been proposin' marriage to Me." "Dangerous, dangerous very dangerous," said the Professor.

And in that fearful moment, with my soul almost looking out of my body, expecting notice to quit it, what do you think I did? I counted the threads in a spider's web, and the flies he had lately eaten, as their skeletons shook in the twilight.

"Yes;" returned his busy mate, whose ugliness kept bustling to and fro merrily and unweariably amid the vials, mirrors, human skeletons, and all the other strange implements. The incense was now brought; a flame blazed upon the altar; and the magician cautiously, almost with trembling, took the great volume out of his most secret cabinet. "Do we start now?" cried Beresynth.

In a little circle, as though the animals had crowded close together in their terror and helplessness, lay the remains of a number of deer. The flesh had either been burned or had rotted away; but the most of the bones and parts of the hides remained. There could be no mistake as to the identity of the dead animals. The very positions of the skeletons told a pitiful story.

Scarcely is the watershed passed when the traveller begins to enter a new landscape and a distinct climate. The mountains, stripped of their robe of forest, seem piled in ruined, wasting heaps, or stand out bleak and bare-ribbed, "The skeletons of Alps whose death began Far in the multitudinous centuries." Little is left them but a kind of dreary grandeur.

Water-built rocks are sometimes divided into two classes those which only contain occasional animal remains, and those which are more or less built up of the skeletons of animals. There are some exceedingly tiny creatures inhabiting the ocean, called Rhizopods.