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In the ranks he had been regarded with a kind of awe as a most redoubtable man of mysterious and uncanny gifts since he and Jack had arrived in the Highlands fresh from their adventure of "shifting the skeer" as Solomon was wont to put it whereupon, with no great delay, the rash Colonel Burley had his Binkussing.

Two sich popinjays as them couldn't skeer my Jerry, nohow. Besides, my son, Jim, will be back in an hour or two." "I fear they cannot aid me." "Yes, they can. My Jerry alone would turn 'em inside out, if they are sarcy." "I can scarcely hope the villains "

"I don't want him ter git a glimge of me, an' skeer him off afore I kin lay a-holt on him," he said. He intended to keep the neighboring bush under close watch, and through the interlacing roots he peered out furtively at it. His eyes distended and he hastily rose from his hiding-place. The blackberry bush was swaying in the wind, clothed only in its own scant and rusty leaves.

I happen' dat night to let my haid slide ovuh 'g'in de glass case uv de clock, an when it stahted out to hit de ha'fpas' bell, it rattled an' whizzed, an' it jarred me. Golly, boss! I woke up an', when I seed how it wuz rainin' outside, I thought lightnin' had hit me. It skeered me an' dat is one good way to wake up a nigger at night skeer 'im, an' you don' have to stab him. I sorter hollered.

Any one would think he was fighting against being invalided home, but he don't deceive the Sergeant, and he tells me that Joe will go too far one of these days; and he will break my heart if he does, and I'm always in a skeer as I think and think and wonder how far he will have to go before being sent home. I don't know what's to become of me if I am sent there.

She, too, stared at him as all the others had done and started to ride into the creek, but Dan stopped her sharply: "Now, Margaret, don't you ride into that water. You'll skeer the fish." "No, you won't," said Chad, promptly. "Fish don't keer nothin' about a hoss." But the little girl stood still, and her brother's face flushed.

I'm gwine to kill ye, right here, to stop yer deviltry, and skeer off others that air o' the same mind." "Pray God, don't kill me, massa," begged the negro. "I hain't done nuffin' to be killed foh." "Hain't done nothin' to be killed for!" shouted the white man, with more oaths.

Skeer Miss Dimple outen her senses, will yuh? Yuh gre't, ugly black crittur!" and rock after rock came with such force and precision that the unfortunate snake, in a few minutes, was "daid as a do' nail," as Bubbles expressed it. Dimple clung to her mother, trembling with fright, even after the snake was killed. "Is it dead, really dead? Oh, Bubbles!" she quavered.

"Good Lord boys! it 's an army they 're organizin' over yonder. Blame me if I onderstan' that sorter scheme at all. It don't look nat'ral. I never thought Farnham was no coward when ther time come fer fightin', but this kind o' fixin' shore looks as if we had him skeered stiff. Wal, it 'll take more 'n a bunch o' San Juan toughs to skeer me.

"My opinion is, as you won't go for to do it, but will take your victuals, and play your music in the aft parlour, and skeer away the Old One with the singing, as ye've skeered him already that's what ye'll do afore Missie and the skipper but by yourself, you won't have two eyes shut when you sleep, and you won't have two eyes open when you're above; and when you're wanted you won't be an hour getting yourself nor Mr.