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I heer'd her tell her paw, who was aroun' ag'in workin' after his busted laig got well, she'd give ten years o' her life for any ol' cheap pianner he could skeer up fer her. "'Wal, says he, 'how in tunket am I a-goin' ter git anything like that thirty miles off'n the road, an' nary way o' freightin' it up or down the cañon to this camp?

"Jest wanted to hear yourself talk jest practicin' your voice," said Shorty sarcastically, as he took the man by the shoulder and pulled him off into the bush by the roadside. "Jest wanted to skeer us, and see how fast we could run. Pleasant little pastime, eh?" "And them things you said about a young lady up in Injianny," said Si, clutching him by the throat.

"It didn't skeer me a bit," he said, "queer as I feel; but, between men you see how bad my poor officer is I only want you to keep those jockeys of yours quiet. Well, aren't you going to say anything when a English gentleman addresses you?"

Samuel Budd, who came in at that moment, pinioned the fellow's arms from behind and Bob took his weapon away. "Hell," said the mountaineer, "I didn't aim to hurt the little feller. I jes' wanted to see if I could skeer him." "Well, brother, 'tis scarce a merry jest," quoth the Hon.

I kin hep you hab done hit afo' en I kin hinder you, so be keerful. Dere's some dif'unce in bein' a spook yosef en bein' skeered ter death by a rale spook. Ef you tryin' ter skeer en fool me I be wuss on you ner eny Voodoo woman dat eber kunjurd folks." The interview ended in Chunk's making a clean breast of it and in securing Zany as an ally with mental reservations.

"There's nuthin' in the Bush that can skeer Joseph Défago, and don't you forget it!" And the natural energy with which he spoke made it impossible to know whether he told the whole truth or only a part of it. Hank turned towards the doctor. He was just going to add something when he stopped abruptly and looked round. A sound close behind them in the darkness made all three start.

Silver, never having seen a dog do such a thing before, for more than a yard or so, and then only under the pressure of many inducements, was unfavourably impressed. In fact, she had definitely a symptom of M. Maeterlinck's awed feeling when he found himself left alone with the talking horses: "With whom was she?" "Look-a-here, dog!" she said breathlessly. "Who you tryin' to skeer?

"I was only thinkin' what a skeer them innocent greenhorn passengers will get just ez they're snoozing off for the night, ten miles from here," responded his friend, with a chuckle. "Wonder ef anybody's goin' up from here besides that patent medicine softy." Ezekiel stopped as if petrified. "Ef the fools keep quiet they won't be hurt, for our men will be ready to chip in the moment of the attack.

"No, I don't expect you did." "No, I didn't; ef you buys me for a fool you loses your money shore. She said when dey com'd down yere she wanted all de men to hide, for dey'd kill all de men, but dey wouldn't tech de women." "It's no such thing. She's put it all wrong. Why them Yankees are our best friends." "Dat's jis' what I thinks. Ole Miss was jis' tryin to skeer a body.

I haven't any notion of going back," said Joe, springing nimbly to his companion's side. "I believe you're afeard to go back by yourself," said Sneak, laughing heartily. "Pshaw, Sneak, I don't think any of 'em followed us, do you?" continued Joe, peering at the bushes and trees in the valley, which they were entering. "No," said Sneak; "I only wanted to skeer you a bit."