United States or Palestine ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

They were of all colours and sizes, tall, short, thick, spare, black, white, grey, green, yellow, red. But in colour the eyes of all were alike all were bright, and shining, and glittering like the blush of sunset. There were both men and women, and there were also many children.

If we arrive late, and take station near the door we shall be presented with the spectacle of several hundred backs in a kneeling position that is, the individuals to whom the backs belong will be found kneeling. These backs are by no means alike no more than faces are. They are of all shapes, and sizes, and colours, and classes in the social scale.

These strange visitors are called comets, and are of all shapes and sizes and never twice alike. Even as we watch them they grow and change, and then diminish in splendour. Some are so vast that men see them as flaming signs in the sky, and regard them with awe and wonder; some cannot be seen at all without the help of the telescope.

These show differences in the habit of the stems and the foliage. Some have a strong tendency to become annual, others to become biennial. The first of course do not store a large quantity of food in their roots, and remain thin, even at the time of flowering. The biennial types occur in all sizes of roots.

I was in a garden on top of one part of the ruins where flowers and trees were growing, and then I went down through the mass of ruins by a flight of seventy-five stairs, which, the attendant said, was built by Caligula. I was then probably not more than half way to the bottom of this hill of ruins, which is honeycombed with corridors, stairways, and rooms of various sizes.

Here was a matronly dame in clean apparel, but without shoes; her husband perhaps lacked both shoes and hat. Youngsters of all sizes were running about with scarcely enough clothing to cover their nakedness. Some suits and dresses were so patched that it was impossible to tell what was the original cloth. The color of practically everybody's clothing was that of desert dust.

I should say there were three or four hundred scholars, of all ages, sizes, and colors black, brown, white apparently, and all shades of what we used to call 'ginger-cake. These two ladies and the man Eliab teach them. It is perfectly wonderful how they do get on. You ought to see it." "I certainly shall," said Pardee, "as a special duty calls me there. How would it do for a polling-place?"

Monumental masses of evidence had been collected bearing upon their shapes, sizes, distribution, and relations. Anatomy had long occupied the attention of naturalists, and the general structure of animals and plants was already well known. But the discoveries starting in the fourth decade of the century by disclosing the unity of activity changed the aspect of biological science.

It was a different case with the rope. The fibre had smouldered badly; it would be unwise to attempt to raise the heavy bucket by it. Cutting adrift a length of the coir rope the subaltern bent it to the neck of one of the jars and drew up the vessel full of liquid. The water was loathsome in appearance, its surface being covered with ash and fragments of charcoal of various sizes.

Freddy was dried, rubbed, and put into a flannel shirt some ten sizes too big for him, and given something hot and spicy to drink, and finally tumbled into a bunk with coarse but spotless sheets, and very rough but comfortable blankets, where in less than four minutes he was sound asleep, worn out, as even the pluckiest eleven-year-old boy would be, with the strain on his small body and brave young soul.