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Presently he would have to break to her the news that he had become engaged to be married without her sisterly sanction, and no doubt he was wondering how to begin. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in Europe." "I got back a week ago, but I've been nursing poor old Mr. Faucitt ever since then. He's been ill, poor old dear. I've come here to see Mr.

While she was yet but a little child, her only brother, but little older than herself, and whom she loved with all the sisterly tenderness of her young heart, had strayed away from home to the seaside, and been drowned.

Poor Henry had but one tie to live for in the world; she preferred death to separation from her sister, and in the bravery of sisterly affection, she told Charles she would swim by her side in the river of blood she might cause to flow. The next morning found them enrolled as officers in the army of the King of Naples. Remorse.

But after all it was only the words, "Good-bye, then, till to-morrow," that were uttered, quietly and almost coldly, as Major Graham left the room. "I can't quite make Anne out sometimes," he said to himself. "She is surely very cold. And yet I know she has real affection for me sisterly affection, I suppose. Ah, well! so much the better.

I suppose he got it by being related to poor old uncle." "Do I have to go, too?" queried Elaine, rubbing her soft cheek against Dorothy's. "Not much," answered Mrs. Carr, with a sisterly embrace. "You'll stay, and Dick 'll stay, and that old tombstone in the kitchen will stay, and so will Claudius Tiberius, but the rest MOVE!"

Judging that enough had been said for the time being, Mahony re-opened his book, leaving his wife to chew the cud of innocent matchmaking and sisterly cares. In reality Polly's reflections were of quite another nature. Her husband's abrupt resolve to leave the colony, disturbing though it was, did not take her altogether by surprise.

Then Arthur had the corpse sent on a horse-bier, attended by six knights, to Camelot, saying to the messengers, "Bear this body to my sister, Morgan le Fay, and say to her that I send it as a present. Tell her, moreover, that, through her sisterly kindness, I have again my sword Excalibur and the scabbard, and shall visit her ere long."

The name which passes through this little room in the quiet, gentle tones of sisterly affection is a name which will be repeated through distant generations, and go down to posterity linked with eventful times and great deeds." The last words here quoted will be very generally regarded as the tribute of a sister's fondness.

Boys, I did hone fer my dog Fiddler, an' the times we'd have a-huntin', and the trout-fishin', an' the smell o' the woods, and nobody bossin' and jowerin' at all. I'm a hill-billy, all right, and they needn't to glory their old flat lands to me!" Domestic affection is seldom expressed by the mountaineers not even by motherly or sisterly kisses but it is very deep and real for all that.

Nor will I deny that, in the accursed one, I could see the withered blossom of every virtue, which, by a happier culture, had been made to bring forth fruit in me. Now, here was a man whom Alice might love with all the strength of sisterly affection, added to that impure passion which alone engrosses all the heart.