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Four thousand!" "I could have paid it back, Renie; the system was all right, but " "Four thousand! Four thousand!" "He he was all for detaining me right away, Renie; sending for pa, and and sicking the law right on his his own sister's son. On my knees for three hours I had to beg, Renie on my knees, for ma's sake and your sake and pa's just for a little time I begged.

"He did; he expressed the utmost contempt and loathing for the man who had ruined his sister's life." The young man gave vent to a short, derisive laugh.

Never owned none except that little electric do-diddle-um of the Guzzuh what makes the spark to keep the machinery goin'. That's called the 'Ideal." "The spark to keep the machinery going that's it," said Winthrop. At the camp he prepared to make his trip to the Moonstone Ranch. He read his sister's letter over and over again. Finally he sauntered up the cañon to where Overland was at work.

He shuddered; but it was at the memory of the sound of the word "Peter," as it had been blurted out for his express annoyance by Miss Thoroughbung. "I wouldn't mind going up to London with you." He shook his head, demanding still more time for deliberation. Were he to accept his sister's offer he would be bound by his acceptance.

The old man took me over the greenhouses himself, and showed me everything!" Or perhaps, unpacking her market basket by the spotless kitchen table, she would confide innocently: "Samuels is really having an extraordinary sale of serges this morning. I went in, and got two dress lengths for my sister's children. If I can find a good dressmaker, I really believe I'll have one myself.

Eleanor saw the prudence of this, and accepted the food and wine offered to her; but Jean seemed unable to swallow anything but a long draught of wine and water, and scarcely lifted her head from her sister's shoulder.

I was on Waverley Avenue that night, and I heard the shot which in all probability ended my sister's life. I walked farther than I intended; I strolled into the street which had such bitter memories for us and I heard No, I was not in search of my sister. I had not associated my sister's going out with any intention of visiting this house; I was merely troubled in mind and anxious and and "

With his niece's hands in his own, gazing into the face so like that young face in whose company he had grown from childhood to manhood, Mr. Delaplaine saw in a flash, that since the death of his wife until that moment he had never had the least reason to be content with the world or to be satisfied with his lot. This was his sister's child come to live with him! When Mr.

Going into his sister's room, and seeing to his surprise Yulia Sergeyevna, Laptev had again the humiliating sensation of a man who feels himself an object of repulsion. He concluded that if after what had happened yesterday she could bring herself so easily to visit his sister and meet him, it must be because she was not concerned about him, and regarded him as a complete nonentity.

The idea of Priscilla with false hair!" "I dare say not; I dare say not. I do not think she'd spend her mother's money on things of that kind." "Aunt Stanbury, you don't know her." "Ah; very well. Perhaps I don't. But, come, my dear, you are very hard upon me, and very anxious to take your sister's part. And what is it all about?