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In front of Jean, who sat in his father's place, an enormous bouquet of flowers a bouquet for a really great occasion stood up like a cupola dressed with flags, and was flanked by four high dishes, one containing a pyramid of splendid peaches; the second, a monumental cake gorged with whipped cream and covered with pinnacles of sugar a cathedral in confectionery; the third, slices of pine-apple floating in clear sirup; and the fourth unheard-of lavishness black grapes brought from the warmer south.

The floor of the veranda was covered with some glutinous substance. It was sirup! I saw it all in a flash. I ran to the barn. The keg of "golden sirup," purchased only the day before, lay empty upon the floor. There were sticky tracks all over the enclosure, but still no Baby. "There's something moving the ground over there by that pile of dirt," said Barker. He was right.

To effect this result requires the aid of nine steam boilers, three steam engines, a vacuum pan, three large evaporators, five clarifiers, five filters, an immense sirup tank, the juice box, mill, bagasse furnace, and fifteen coolers. "With the engineers, sugar makers, firemen, and laborers, thirty-eight persons are constantly on duty in this sugar-house.

"I have been traveling all night and am starving; will pay any price for just bread." I went to the dining-room and found some biscuits, and set out two, with a large piece of corn-bread, a small piece of bacon, some nice sirup, and a pitcher of water. I locked the door of the safe and left him to enjoy his lunch. After he left I found he had broken open the safe and taken the remaining biscuits.

Instead he turned and, looking about his feet in front of the threshold, uttered an exclamation of surprise. "Why! what the devil," he said, "has become of that jug?" "What jug, Alvan?" his wife inquired, not very sympathetically. "A jug of maple sirup I brought it along from the store and set it down here to open the door. What the "

I am told that it is the custom to carefully collect the sap and bring it to the house, where there are built brick arches, over which it is evaporated in shallow pans, and that pains is taken to keep the leaves, sticks, and ashes and coals out of it, and that the sugar is clarified; and that, in short, it is a money-making business, in which there is very little fun, and that the boy is not allowed to dip his paddle into the kettle of boiling sugar and lick off the delicious sirup.

I am told that it is the custom to carefully collect the sap and bring it to the house, where there are built brick arches, over which it is evaporated in shallow pans, and that pains is taken to keep the leaves, sticks, and ashes and coals out of it, and that the sugar is clarified; and that, in short, it is a money-making business, in which there is very little fun, and that the boy is not allowed to dip his paddle into the kettle of boiling sugar and lick off the delicious sirup.

But these bounced up suddenly at the sound of a grand jangle of bells. Could it be? Mr. Pontiac they had no doubt about; but was that real bacon that he laid on the kitchen table? Then a side of beef, a can of tea; next a bag of flour, and again an actual keg of sirup. Why, this was almost incredible! And, last, he came in with an immense round loaf of bread!

100 lbs. of dry sweet Substance, or sugar 400 do. of water 10 do. of liquid ferment 510 pounds in the whole. 100lbs. of sugar is the quantity required to make 12-1/2 gallons of sirup, composed of 8lbs. of sugar and 8lbs. of water per gallon, 12-1/2 galls. 400lbs. of water, at 8lbs. per gall. make 50 " The produce will be 57lbs. of dry alcohol.

As will be observed, corn-meal mush does not brown quickly in sauteing. This characteristic is due to the large amount of moisture it contains. Serve the mush hot, and to add to its flavor serve with it sirup or honey. CORN-MEAL CROQUETTES. Croquettes of any kind add variety to a meal, and because they are attractive they appeal to the appetite.