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"I told her what I thought of her the afternoon she came." "You did?" exclaimed Marian. "Yes, sirree. I went straight to her room and spoke my mind. I was so furious with her. The very next morning Mrs. Weatherbee put me at the same table with her. It was my first meal at the Hall. I went to Rutherford Inn for luncheon and dinner. I was hungry and thought maybe the meals wouldn't suit me.

From behind a corner of the bar he held them all at bay, and sent them to quarters like the old campaigner he was. "Now, Ben, tain't no use gettin' mad. You, and Josh way, an' Will, an' Sam, an' the Cap'n, an' the four Beaver brothers, will all sleep in number ten. What's that, Franklin? No, sirree, the Honerable Abe, and Mister Hill, and Jedge Oglesby is sleepin' in seven."

No, sirree! Let's start!" "Where for?" "San Francisco!" "When?" "This instant!" "In the dark?" "We shall soon have the light of the Moon! Curse her! it's the least she can do after all the trouble she has given us!"

"Oh, you Prescott!" yelled one irrepressible young man, through a megaphone. "Don't you dare make fools of us this afternoon! Gridley must win!" "Don't worry!" Dick shouted back, waving his hand. "Gridley is going to win!" "Yes, sirree!" called Bob Hartwell, laughingly. "Preston High School guarantees Gridley to be a winner -for second place!"

There were the old men who lived with their married sons and daughters-in-law or married daughters and sons-in-law. Then there were the old men who lived in the Grant Home for Aged Gentlemen. You saw its fine red-brick façade through the trees at the edge of the Park. And the slogan of these first was: "My son and my da'ter they wouldn't want me to live in any public Home. No, sirree!

But I haven't had much luck so far, have I? "I replied: 'You won't always strike wrong 'uns. "'I don't know what kind of a man I'm going to strike, she said. 'Not any of those little billy-goats in dinner jackets I used to meet at Mrs. Jardine's. No, sirree. And no more Ras Fendihooks!

Presently he was stretched in a chair, his boots thrown across the foot rest in front of him. The barber lathered his face and murmured gossip in his ear. "George Doble and Miller claim they're goin' to Denver to run some skin game at a street fair. They're sure slick guys." Dave offered no comment. "You notice they didn't steal any of Em Crawford's stock. No, sirree! They knew better.

When they had halted by the benches Dick began: "Now, fellows, each of you keep steadily in mind what we have at stake this afternoon." "Yes, sirree!" grinned Dan Dalzell. "If we win to-day we're going to learn what the man on the clubhouse steps said." "To-day's victory gives one school or the other the championship of the Gridley Grammar School League," Dick declared.

"I just stood there like one o' these here graven images. Last night on my way home from work I heerd the young feller was back he got in just as we was knockin' off for the day; an' this mornin' just as you cut loose, Zeb, I'll be danged if he didn't show up in front o' the office door, fumblin' for the keyhole. Yes, sirree!