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"Is it true, sirrah," said the Queen, with one of those searching looks which few had the audacity to resist, "that you have seduced to infamy a young lady of birth and breeding, the daughter of Sir Hugh Robsart of Lidcote Hall?" Varney kneeled down, and replied, with a look of the most profound contrition, "There had been some love passages betwixt him and Mistress Amy Robsart."

"And, sirrah," the brother hoarsely added, "she she does not does not hate you, sir, as I do." "My good Julian, pray do not be so violent; I cannot help it if the dear girl loves me." "But I can, though!" roared Julian, with an oath, and lifted up his stick it was nearer like a club to strike his brother. "Julian, Julian, what are you about?

"What!" cried my father, with the snap of the eye that meant punishment, "to sit farther along, when you had no interest in this classical lesson, sir a lesson you are incapable of understanding, and all the length of an empty bench at your left hand! You shall speak with me at the close of the lesson, and that, sirrah, is now! The class is dismissed!

"Ah!" said the duke, "are you that proud knight who proffered to fight with any of my followers? Make ready, sirrah; I must have a passage-at-arms with you, for I would know which of us is the better man." So they spurred together, and Gareth smote the duke from his horse. But in a moment he was on his feet, sword in hand, and bidding his antagonist to alight and continue the battle on foot.

Holt had a few words. "This, Harry, is Castlewood church," says Mr. Holt, "and this is the pillar thereof, learned Doctor Tusher. Take off your hat, sirrah, and salute Dr. Tusher!"

Speak the truth, sirrah! Is your master at home or is he not?" "I have just told you that there is not a soul at home except her ladyship, and she is mad." At that same moment Gerzson thought he heard a fiddle in the upper story. "What, music here!" he cried. The fellow laughed. "Yes, they are trying to cure the sick baroness by playing to her."

With his mother's hand in his own, he led us into that ill-omened room where the cards were still heaped upon the sideboard, and the dark shadow lurked in the corner of the ceiling. "Now, sirrah, your explanation!" cried Sir Lothian, standing with his arms folded by the door.

Was ever such wickedness? Who ever heard such effrontery? And you, you great hulking rebel, have you not grace enough to cast your eyes down, but must needs look justice in the face as though you were an honest man? Are you not afeared, sirrah? Do you not see death close upon you? 'I have seen that before now, my Lord, and I was not afeared, I answered.

Now Sir Richard had, twenty years ago, in like place, and very much in like manner, broken the head of Vindex Brimblecombe's father, schoolmaster in his day, and therefore had a precedent to direct him; and he answered "Amyas, sirrah! those who cannot obey will never be fit to rule. If thou canst not keep discipline now, thou wilt never make a company or a crew keep it when thou art grown.

When Nutter turned round, the boy a sharp, tattling vagabond, he knew him well was reading a printed card he had picked up from the floor, with the impress of Nutter's hob-nailed tread upon it. It was endorsed upon the back, 'For Mrs. Macnamara, with the humble duty of her obedient servant, M. M. 'What's that, Sirrah? shouted Nutter. 'For Mrs.