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Most of 'em have hurt sinfully." "I don't know that anything has to be painful or disagreeable in order to be healing," remarked the young man, thoughtfully. "Would you like to throw 'em all out of the window?" "I certainly would." "All right that'll be good business."

Why then didst thou behave so cruelly and sinfully towards one that had sat in Praya and that had his arms cut off by Partha? Take now in battle the consequence of that act of thine, O thou of wicked behaviour! I shall today, O wretch, putting forth my prowess, cut off thy head with a winged arrow.

Our poor natures, necessarily changeable, and sinfully vacillating and weak, will be uniform, in the measure in which the grace of God comes into our hearts.

He was, I know, most sinfully tipsy last night." "It was in excellent good company, General," said the hunter, drawling his words and no whit abashed.

He must have traveled by rail, somehow, for three days later he was in the town of Whiteville, which, as you know, is a long way from Blackburg. His clothing was in pretty fair condition, but he was sinfully dirty. Unable to give any account of himself he was arrested as a vagrant and sentenced to imprisonment in the Infants' Sheltering Home where he was washed.

Many of the foremost warriors among the Somakas, who were all of righteous souls, beholding the foot of the rejoicing Bhimasena of narrow heart placed upon the head of that foremost one of Kuru's race, did not at all approve of it. Cease now, O Bhima! Do not crush his head with thy foot! Do not act sinfully! Duryodhana is a king! He is, again, thy kinsman! He is fallen!

And they that are virtuous do not prosper; while they that are sinful proper exceedingly. And virtue loseth her strength while sin becometh all powerful. And men that are devoted to virtue become poor and short-lived; while they that are sinful become long-lived and win prosperity. And in such times, people behave sinfully even in places of public amusements in cities and towns.

If it were not for Joseph's positive assertion to the contrary, I should be of the opinion that his cup of divination conjured itself deliberately and sinfully into innocent Benjamin's sack." Student loq. Sure I had on my 'Armstrong' hat when I left home, sure as fate; but when I went to pull it off, by the crown, of course, to bow to pretty girl, I smashed in my beaver!

Mrs Merle had ventured to hint that, "they could not expect everything in one man," but her voice went for nothing, as one of the minister's offences was, having been several times in at the Judge's, while he sinfully neglected others of his flock. "It's handy by," ventured Mrs Merle, again.

Do you not constantly pray to God to keep you in that state of life to which it has pleased Him to call you; and are you not departing from it wilfully and sinfully by such an act as this?" But still Lady Anna continued to say that she was bound by the obligation which was upon her. On the following day the Countess was frightened, believing that the girl was really ill.