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Consider the disposition you entertain toward the person and office of the Son of God. "If ye had loved the Father, ye would have loved me also," was the constant argument of Jesus Christ to those Pharisees whom He addresses in the text For Jesus Christ is the express image of God: the effulgence of the divine character is attempered in Him, to suit the views of sinful humanity.

Good-by till our meeting, our awful meeting.—LISE. “P.S.—Alyosha! You must, must, must come!—LISE.” Alyosha read the note in amazement, read it through twice, thought a little, and suddenly laughed a soft, sweet laugh. He started. That laugh seemed to him sinful. But a minute later he laughed again just as softly and happily.

I know we've spent simply oceans of money on our garden, and it doesn't begin to compare with this." "It seems like a sinful waste to me," said her companion. "No-o," the other hesitated. "No, I don't think quite that if you can afford it just as well as not. But it does seem to me that I'd rather live in a little better house, and not spend it ALL on flowers. Just LOOK at that cactus!"

From all these texts we find that a righteous man has other workings, lusts, and desires than such only that are good; here then, if we consider of a righteous man thus generally, is no place of agreement betwixt him and this text. We must consider of him, then, in the next place, more strictly, as he may and is to be distinguished from his flesh, his carnal lusts, and sinful nature.

"Did he turn away from sinners and the evils of the sinful world and say they wuz too vile for him to mix with?" "I I Sister Arvilly I why I don't know what you mean." "Yes, you do know what I mean!" sez the intrepid but agonized Arvilly. "By your criminal indifference and neglect, you encourage the evil power that rules and ruins."

"She was chosen to be the earthly mother of the Son of God, who so loved the world, that He desired to become man, that He might be punished instead of all men; for all, being by nature sinful, deserve punishment, and God, who is all just and all merciful, decreed that all who believe that Jesus, His Son, was punished for our sins, should have those sins washed away, and be received into favour again by Him.

The Lord wanted a suitable representative to stand for Him among a sinful, backslidden people. Isaiah was already supposed to fill that position at any rate, on special occasions; but he was so much like the people themselves that in the ordinary way his religion had little weight with them.

But I found her trusting that she had been set in Christ's breastplate, the light of which can never go out. I said, 'Do you think you love the Saviour? 'Yes, as the apple of my eye. 'Are you sure that you have not forsaken him in all these years? 'I have been very sinful all the time, but do not think I have taken my hand from Christ. My heart was now drawn towards her.

I always avoid such women as are sinful and unclean or impure, as always lick the corners of their mouths, as have no patience or fortitude, and as are fond of dispute and quarrelling, as are given to much sleep, and as always lie down.

The arrows urged by the might of Arjuna's arms and shot from his large bow, and inspired with mantras capable of converting them into celestial weapons can chastise the celestials themselves. He who hath for his counsellor and protector and friend that smiter of sinful men the lord of the three worlds Hari himself encountereth nothing that he cannot conquer.