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But what the poet's brain does not do consciously it does unconsciously; a selective action is going on in its recesses simultaneously with the overt train of thought, and on the degree of this unconscious suggestiveness the richness and melody of the poetry will depend.

There was no more sleep for man or woman in London that night, though the children slept on in happy unconsciousness of what the morrow was to bring forth. What happened in London was happening almost simultaneously all over the kingdom.

It was because something in Valerie's eyes, something in her pure, lily face had moved him to it; and simultaneously had come the thought of the relation in which she stood to that man at La Rochette whose life he now sought to save for her, and it had stabbed him with a bitterness no misfortune, no failure yet had brought him.

There were only a few bars and after that a loud crash as though a number of hands had simultaneously fallen, with violence, upon the keys and then the lights blazed again from all the opalescent chandeliers and all the wall brackets. Instantly from tables near the center two young women, in paper caps, leaped up from their seats and kissed the men and women of their party.

Von Horn and Number Thirteen recognized the girl simultaneously, but the doctor, though he ground his teeth in futile rage, knew that he was helpless to avert the tragedy. Number Thirteen neither knew nor cared. "Come!" he called to his grotesque horde.

And then a number of things happened, almost simultaneously the lion sprang from his ambush toward the retreating black Tarzan cried out in warning and the black turned just in time to see Numa halted in mid-flight by a slender strand of grass rope, the noosed end of which had fallen cleanly about his neck.

There the cartridges were arranged with the utmost regularity, connected by a metallic thread, destined to communicate to them all simultaneously the electric spark, by which means this mass of gun-cotton was eventually to be ignited. By the 28th of November eight hundred cartridges had been placed in the bottom of the Columbiad. So far the operation had been successful!

Important also, especially for the beauty of art, is our greater power to control sensations of vision and hearing. Only colors and sounds can be woven into complex and stable wholes. Tastes and odors, when produced simultaneously or in succession, do not keep their distinctness as colors and sounds do, but blur and interfere with each other.

Ropes refutes the contention maintained by a great array of authorities, that Napoleon's design was to "wedge himself into the interval between the allied armies" by seizing simultaneously Sombreffe and Quatre Bras, in order to cut the communication between the two armies and then defeat them in succession.

This conclusion was slowly but surely reached by every student of the situation until simultaneously, in widely separated regions, without consultation or systematic plan, there arose a series of institutions designed to furnish teachers for the untaught.