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Ever and anon in her speed she dried her eyes on her apron and a moan escaped her. "Poor heart!" she repeated. "Poor heart, she's enough to bear without this coming to her the now!" But pushing the branches aside, she spoke in simulated anger to Katrine, a pretence which showed well the peculiar delicacy of her class.

The agony she had endured silently in the dismal lime-walk had grown too strong for her, and she broke into a tempest of hysterical sobbing. It was no simulated grief that shook her slender frame and tore at her like some ravenous beast that would have rent her piecemeal with its horrible strength. It was a storm of real anguish and terror, of remorse and misery.

Eldrick looked more uncomfortable than ever. "Well the fact is," he said, "I I meant to hand it to you to put in the safe, Pratt, but I didn't come back from the club. And it's gone!" Pratt simulated concern but not astonishment. And Eldrick pulled open the drawer, and waved a hand over it. "I put it down there," he said.

It nearly broke my heart with shame and sorrow." "I ought to have told you, Elizabeth. I did behave badly to you. I am ashamed of myself. Forgive me, darling sister." And he pulled his chair to her side, and put his arm around her neck, and kissed her with no simulated affection.

The party looked up quickly. Their faces were still flushed and agitated, but a new restraint seemed to come upon them on seeing him. "I thought I heard a row outside," said the consul explanatorily. They each looked at their host without speaking. "Oh, ay," said Macquoich, with simulated heartiness, "a bit fuss between the Kilcraithie and yon Frenchman; but they're baith goin' in the mornin'."

"It is strange," went on the suspicious Thamar, "that she should have fainted there, and not elsewhere." "She fell at the spot where weakness came upon her." The old woman shook her head doubtfully. "Do you suppose," said Poëri's beloved, "that her faint was simulated? The dissector might have cut her side with his sharp stone, so like a dead body did she seem.

Between the ages of fifteen and sixteen the twins might have entered Harvard, for the entrance examinations were tried on both children, and both passed brilliantly. For a year or two they found a substitute for happiness in pretending that they were really at college; they simulated, day by day, the life that they supposed was led there; they became devoted to their new game.

Against this monstrous state of things Edgar rose up in his simulated wrath and cried out to Archbishop Dunstan in a speech he delivered to sweep them away and purify the Church and country from such a scandal!

The bygone joke concerning whiskers and the wind was then current, and a score of compositors took up the whistle, so that all varieties of breeze were soon being simulated simultaneously. Whiskers coloured sightly, but, save a dignified straightening of his shoulders, he showed no other sign that he was conscious of the rude allusion to his copious beard. Whiskers chose Tuesday for his day off.

But the acme of his exhibition was reached when he mounted the table and simulated the rocking motion of the wagon crossing the stream. George simply hugged him, and Angel joined in the laughter. But the boys wanted to know about John and Chief. John was there to welcome their return, and Chief came up soon after, and held out a welcoming hand, as he had seen the others do.