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And, then, all that the master slopsellers had better do, will be simply to vanish and become extinct."

Garfield is no braver than thousands of other good women. She simply took the chances on his dying, as thousands of other wives do every day, and for his good she put on the best face possible, and kept her tears back.

Many newspaper readers run more or less carelessly through articles, and many more simply read the headlines and headings.

It had been justly thought by various patriotic members of Congress that it was incompatible, either with the dignity or the interests of so great a nation as ours, to be represented simply by a minister plenipotentiary, who, when calling at the Foreign Office to transact business, might be obliged to wait for hours, and even until the next day, while representatives from much less important countries who ranked as ambassadors went in at once.

A va-nu-pieds disguised into a general by a Corsican adventurer masquerading as an emperor. There is no earthly reason for a D'Hubert to s'encanailler by a duel with a person of that sort. You can make your excuses to him perfectly well. And if the manant takes it into his head to decline them you may simply refuse to meet him." "You say I may do that?" "Yes. With the clearest conscience."

Their opinions matter principally because without them the opinions of other men would not exist. Their function is to provoke. And from the time he was a babe in the nursery Coryston had fulfilled it to perfection. He himself would have told you he was simply the reaction from his mother.

He spoke gravely and simply, this dirty, bearded man, who had been a clerk in a London office. He had the truthfulness of a man who had just come from great horrors. Many of the men around him were Silesians-more Polish than German. Some of them could not speak more than a few words of German, and were true Slavs in physical type, with flat cheek-bones.

And here in Florence you could command more lovers than there are days in the week, did you choose but people say you are untouchable by love even at its best. Now I " Here he stopped abruptly and laid down his brush, looking full at her. "I," he continued "love you at neither best nor worst, but simply and entirely with all of myself all that a man can be in passionate heart, soul and body!"

But it is so vast, and filled with such magnificent glass, that the tracery seen from the inside seems hardly more important than the leads of the glass, and the whole is to be judged simply as a great wall of glass supported where necessary by stonework made as unobtrusive as possible.

"How do you explain it?" "I don't," she replied simply. "Can you?" He was dumb. Could it be possible that this imperial greeting was intended for the man supposed to be the Maharana of Khandawar Har Dyal Rutton? He glanced sharply at the girl, but her face was shadowed; and he believed she suspected nothing. A great hush had fallen, replacing the rolling thunder of the State ordnance.