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"But what are you going to do with the other woman?" Two women: M. Ferraud saw the ripple widen and draw near. One woman he could not understand, but two simplified everything. The drivers and two women. "The other?" said Breitmann. "She is of no importance." M. Ferraud shook his head. "Oh, well; this will be, your private affair. Captain Grasset will arrive from Nice to-morrow night.

It seems more probable that the individuals who composed the tribunal were selected as suited the pleasure of the sovereign, and the convenience of the clerks and barons; and the history of our legal administration will be much simplified, if we consider all those courts which were afterwards denominated the Exchequer, the King's Bench, the Common Pleas, and the Chancery, as being originally committees, selected by the king when occasion required, out of a large body, for the despatch of peculiar branches of business, and which committees, by degrees, assumed an independent and permanent existence... Justices itinerant, who, despatched throughout the land, decided the Pleas of the Crown, may be obscurely traced in the reign of the Conqueror; not, perhaps, appointed with much regularity, but despatched upon peculiar occasions and emergencies." 1 Palgrave's Rise and Progress, &c;., p. 289 to 293.

After a dozen cows had been sent across to the cut-herd, the work simplified. Once a cow caught sight of this new band, she generally made directly for it, head and tail up. After the first short struggle to force her from the herd, all I had to do was to start her in the proper direction and keep her at it until her decision was fixed.

Therefore, my budget proposes a major liberalization of tax allowances for depreciation, as well as simplified depreciation accounting, increasing the allowable rates by about 40 percent. I am also proposing improvements in the investment tax credit, making it refundable, to meet the investment needs of firms with no current earnings.

The message is to be sent to a friend at Brantford. He is to ride post haste horseback ten miles west of that place to where the Drifter people have a camp in what they call Big Moose Woods." "Hiram," applauded the young aviator, "you're a jewel. Why, you have simplified the whole business." "And you're going right after the Drifter?" propounded Hiram eagerly.

It now becomes necessary to examine these factors in Canadian existence in the years prior to, and immediately after, the visit of Durham to the colony. In religion and education, however, our analysis must concern Upper and British Canada rather than the French region. In the latter the existence and dominance of the Catholic church greatly simplified matters.

This substance was the basis of living activity, and to its modification under different conditions were due the miscellaneous phenomena of life. The philosophical significance of this conception was very far-reaching. The problem of life was so simplified by substituting the simple protoplasm for the complex organism that its solution seemed to be not very difficult.

It actually simplified matters in many ways for Nevins to go. Somebody, for instance, would have to pay the cost of his subsistence all that time at Cooke.

That difference is due entirely to the fact that in school and university the German is taught, in the first place to see, and in the second place to understand what he does see. I have had a kindly feeling, a friendly feeling, a cousinly feeling toward Simplified Spelling, from the beginning of the movement three years ago, but nothing more inflamed than that.

And now I'm as hungry as a wolf and my head is splitting from the vodka." "Why, did you drink much?" "No, only a little to set the example, but I've been in five public-houses. I can't endure this beastliness, vodka. Goodness knows why our people drink it. If one must drink this stuff in order to become simplified, then I had rather be excused!" "And so no one suspected you?"