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"Perhaps you belong rather to the coming age the age of simplification." "As distinguished from the age of mystification religious, political, scientific and artistic," suggested Gouache. "The people of that day will guess the Sphynx's riddle." "Mine? You were comparing me to a sphynx the other day." "Yours, perhaps, Madame. Who knows? Are you the typical woman of the ending century?"

Leblanc was one of those ingenuous men whose lot would have been insignificant in any period of security, but who have been caught up to an immortal role in history by the sudden simplification of human affairs through some tragical crisis, to the measure of their simplicity. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, and such was Garibaldi.

They would not have been satisfied with that angular, presumptuous, and obvious drawing, harsh in its exterior limits and hollow within the head a sort of convulsive abridgment, the hand void, and the fingers too, if we seek their articulations. An omission must not be mistaken for a simplification, and for all his omissions Manet strives to make amend by the tone.

Whereas in most cases man would seem to have succeeded in the struggle for existence by growing more complex, though in some cases survival has been secured by way of simplification, anthropology concentrates its attention on the former set of cases as the more interesting and instructive even from a theoretical point of view.

Further, he remarked on the more recent decrees, establishing the sense of the Vatican decision on infallibility, the new version of Canon Law, the immense simplification that had taken place in ecclesiastical government, the hierarchy, rubrics and the affairs of missionary countries, with the new and extraordinary privileges granted to mission priests.

"The plough is beginning to be very extensively used." Mr. Hatley. "There has been considerable simplification in agricultural labor already, which would have been more conspicuous, had it not been for the excessive drought which has prevailed since 1834. The plough is more used, and the expedients for manuring land are less laborious." Extract of a letter from Hon. N. Nugent.

I do not wish to urge that this form of causation is ultimate, but that, in the present state of our knowledge, it affords a simplification, and enables us to state laws of behaviour in less hypothetical terms than we should otherwise have to employ. The clearest instance of what I mean is recollection of a past event.

A certain simplification of structure each picture possessing one or more rectangular compartments enhances this effect while the addition of swirling trees studded with flowers imbues each wild encounter with a surging vegetative rhythm.

Before making a fresh start he looked for some simplification of the labour; and determined to adopt Ptolemy's assumption known as the principle of the bisection of the excentricity. A marked improvement in residuals was the result of this step, proving, so far, the correctness of Ptolemy's principle, but there still remained discordances amounting to eight minutes of arc.

The germ of great things lay in that analysis. It was a process of simplification, and all art development is from the complex to the simple. Unfortunately, however, it did not seem a simplification, but rather quite the reverse.