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She remembered Martial's fastidious tastes, and she did not know how to reconcile them with these meagre surroundings. Then, there was the holy-water! But her suspicions became stronger when she entered the kitchen. Some savory compound was bubbling in a pot over the fire, and several saucepans, in which fragrant stews were simmering, stood among the warm ashes.

And Lord Wensleydown called back: "Do give one a moment to digest one's dinner, dear Lady Mildred. Miss Winmarleigh does not want to come yet, either. We are very interested and happy here." Morella tittered and played with her fan. The dull, slow rage was simmering within her. Even her vanity could not misinterpret the meaning of Hector's devotion to Mrs. Brown.

They had pitched a double line of tents, where the elder women were busy selling drinks, and frying cakes, which they sold hot from an iron cauldron full of simmering fat, out of which the smoking cakes were lifted with a skimmer, as customers wanted them.

The fire fought bravely for a time, and retaliated with sparks and spiteful tongues of flame; but gradually its spirit was broken, only a heavy body of coal and half-consumed logs in the centre holding out against all odds. The simmering fish were soon floating about in a yellow liquid that did not look in the least appetizing.

There was household soup simmering on the fire, reeking with onion and garlic, and many other abominations; and, as if it was quite the right and usual thing to do, she slipped the unfortunate egg into this, and left it there to be cooked. After all, garlic must be cheap as an article of food, for the whole bill amounted only to 7-1/2 francs. This was the last glacière on my list.

"Put in Harding's horse. Come right in, Mr. Harding; I reckon dinner is in process of simmering by this time." "Call me Mose," said the youth. "That's what Delmar called me." Reynolds smiled. "Very good, sir; Mose it shall be." They entered the front door into the low-ceiled, small sitting room where a young girl was sitting sewing, with a babe at her feet. "My daughter, Mrs.

"But if you shy, say so." "I will play blindfold," he replied. "My mother has told me that that couple deserve the worst torments " "The rack is out of date," said the old woman. "You answer for the result?" "Leave it all to me," said the woman; "your vengeance is simmering." She looked at the clock; it was six.

Has that new beau of yours turned out a disappointment? Or what?" In a passionate little burst Emmy Lou's simmering indignation boiled up and overflowed. "Oh, it's Aunt Sharley again! Honestly, Mil, she was absolutely unbearable this evening.

But even as she measured out their starvation her face was looking at him joyously. And then she added, with the gladness of a child, "Feesh, for you," and pointed to the simmering pot. "For ME!" Roscoe looked at the pot, and then back at her. "Oachi," he said gently, "go tell your father that I am ready to talk with him. Ask him to come now."

"I took it down this evening from the shelf on which it stood; it was covered with dust, and I washed it, but, unluckily, in endeavouring to clean the inside from the remains of the scarlet powder, I poured hot water into it, and immediately I heard a simmering noise, and my vase, in a few instants, burst asunder with a loud explosion. These fragments, alas! are all that remain.