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Nor was it until some hours after dark that, seized with a sudden fit of caressing Silvertail, whose glossy neck he patted, until the tears of warm affection started to his eyes, he bethought him of the omission of which he had been guilty. Scarcely was the thought conceived, before Silvertail was again at full career, and on his way to the inn.

D n you, you brute, do you mean to throw me?" The restlessness of Silvertail, despite of his rider's caresses had been visibly increasing as they approached the dark cluster of walnuts. Arrived opposite to this, his ears and tail erect, he had evinced even more than restlessness alarm: and something, that did not meet the eye of his rider, caused him to take a sideward spring of several feet.

"I wished them good night, and one of them gruffly bade me good night too; but I could not make out who they were, though one did for a moment strike me to be Desborough, and both were tallish sort of men." "You're a lad of penetration, Bill; now saddle me Silvertail as fast as you can." "Saddle Silvertail! surely father, you are not going out yet: it's not day-light."

But all he said in matter-of-fact voice was: "You've got a lot in front of you." "It's like a glacier," replied Boy. "She could slide on that shoulder," commented Old Mat. "Like Napoleon on the Pyramids." The young horse began to sidle and plunge. "Right!" said Boy. "Stand clear!" The little jockey jumped aside, and mounted Silvertail. Four-Pound-the-Second gave a great bound.

Nay, he even spoke once or twice coaxingly to Silvertail, as if conscious only of the presence of that animal, and in short conducted himself in a manner well worthy of the cunning of a drunken man.

See whether he can reelly get four mile without a fuss. I was only waitin' till you come." The Fat Man Emerges The old man, the young man, and the girl rode out of the yard into the Paddock Close. "Where's Billy Bluff?" asked Silver. He was on Heart of Oak, she high above him, perched like a bird on tall old Silvertail, who looked like a spinster and was one.

These were infallible indices of the more feverish stage, of which the gallopings of Silvertail the vociferations of his master the increased flourishing of the cudgel the supposed danger of children and the consequent alarm of mothers, together with the harangues to the Indian auditory, were the almost daily results.

She put on her long coat and mounted Silvertail. "Yes, don't stand about," said her father; "or you'll have Mar on to me." The three moved off the hill. Stanley had already gone on with Make-Way-There, and Albert followed with the young horse still snorting and blowing. Billy Bluff patrolled between his mistress and his friend, doing his best to keep the two parties together.

Sampson's toilet was soon completed, and Silvertail being announced as "all ready," he, without communicating a word of his purpose, issued forth from his home, just as the day was beginning to dawn. Although the reflective powers of Gattrie had been in some measure restored by sleep, it is by no means to be assumed he was yet thoroughly sober.

Not unfrequently, after these lectures, when Major Grantham had left him, Sampson would turn his horse, and, with his arms still folded across his chest, suffer Silvertail to pursue his homeward course, while he himself, silent and thoughtful, and looking like a culprit taken in the fact, sat steadily in his saddle, without however venturing to turn his eye either to the right or to the left, as he passed through the crowd, who, with faces strongly expressive of mirth, marked their sense of the change which had been produced in the old interpreter.