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"Garry!" she faltered, stretching out the other hand to him in the darkness, "I I do not care about the risk if you care to kiss me " He swung round from the shadows to the dimly lighted sill; crossed it. For a moment they looked into one another's eyes; then, blinded, she swayed imperceptibly toward him, sighing as his arms tightened and her own crept up around his neck.

"Yes," she said at last, bringing down her palm upon the sill with a pat: "HE is the second man of that story she told me!" All this time Henchard's smouldering sentiments towards Lucetta had been fanned into higher and higher inflammation by the circumstances of the case.

The fact chiefly observed by Nick, however, was that the sill of the door was wide enough to offer him a safe footing. Though it was fully eight feet above his head, Nick resolved to attempt to reach it by means of the notched iron on the side wall.

Holding to the ledge with one hand he felt for and clutched the thick vine with the other. Slowly he slid his body off of the sill and swung free by one arm. An instant later he found the lattice with the other hand and the hurried descent began. His only fear was that the vine would not hold. If it broke loose they would drop fifteen feet or more to the ground.

So the great river moved placidly as an old man moves when all the headlong urge of youth is spent and his race near run. On the river side of the first coach behind the diner, Estella Benton nursed her round chin in the palm of one hand, leaning her elbow on the window sill.

Heredith alive, thinks that the window was closed when she was in the room before dinner." Merrington walked over to the window and examined it, testing the lock and looking at the sill. "Does Miss Heredith say that the window was locked, or merely closed, when she was in the room?" he asked. "She cannot say definitely. She thinks it was closed because the air was heavy, and she knew that Mrs.

His horse sprung aside and trod upon it; but Cedric looked up and saw the anxious face embrazured by ivy-clad sill; and with involuntary courtesy he speedily uncovered and waited thus her pleasure. "May I have a word with thee, my lord?"

But the door refused to budge. Was it locked? The key was not in. Turning the knob once more, and holding it so, he pressed firmly against the door. It did not move. More firmly still, when suddenly it burst open with a loud crackling report. Being cramped, it had stuck in the sill.

The loss of my brigade commanders Sill, Roberts, Schaefer, and Harrington-and a large number of regimental and battery officers, with so many of their men, struck deep into my heart: My thinned ranks told the woeful tale of the fierce struggles, indescribable by words, through which my division had passed since 7 o'clock in the morning; and this, added to our hungry and exhausted condition, was naturally disheartening.

Then Chester called out: "It's all right. I jumped in the dishpan; that's all. Come on." Hal and Colonel Anderson boosted Uncle John to the window sill, and then Hal gave Colonel Anderson a hand up. The latter, perched in the window, leaned down and pulled Hal up beside him. They dropped down inside. At that moment a sudden beam of light flashed into the room.