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Opal had begun to prepare for the night and had thrown about her shoulders a loose robe of crimson silk. Her lustrous hair, like waves of burnished copper, hung below her waist in beautiful confusion. With trembling fingers she attempted to secure it. "Your hair is wonderful, Opal! Please leave it as it is," Paul said softly. And, curiously enough, she obeyed in silence.

Dr. had a painful complaint, which, sometimes keeping him awake, made his sleep perhaps, when it did come, the deeper. Gathering courage from the silence, the groom hoisted his burden again, and accomplished the remainder of his descent without accident.

And sometimes one or the other would go a little too near the forbidden point, and then there was a moment's silence, and the least touch of embarrassment; and once Margaret laughed a queer little laugh at one of these stumbles, and once Claudius sighed.

The patrol sent to search in town got back at reveille." "His horse and kit all right?" "All right, sir. Nothing missing that he was supposed to have." "Police notified to watch all trains and stages?" "Yes, sir, and Sergeant Stowell, who commanded the paymaster's escort, remains in town with a couple of men to help." There was impressive silence in the office.

As he stood there the silence of the old house knocked upon his heart like sound and quick fears sprang up within him of a sudden death, or of Betty weeping for him somewhere alone in the stillness.

He looked around to see whether Sir Thomas was there, but no one was in the room with him but Mr. Prendergast. Then he stood still, and as that gentleman did not address him, he was obliged to speak; the silence was too awful for him "Oh, Mr. Prendergast!" said he. "Is that you?" "Yes, Mr. Mollett, it is I." "Oh, ah I suppose you are here about business of your own.

There, on the high clock-shelf, the same tall lamp that, nearly seven and a half years before, had burned like a beacon and lighted the coming of the stork, now, turned low, shone upon the faithful biggest brother and the suffering little girl. Shortly after ten o'clock an interruption came to the silence.

"But mayn't I come up and see New Orleans, even for a minute as we pass by? I'll be good." "You may come up under parole," said I, throwing open the door. "But you must bring your aunt's parole also. You must give no alarm, for we have every reason here for silence."

Cyril, with great presence of mind, lit a candle and turned off the gas at the main. 'The rats'll have a better chance in the dark, he said. The mewing had ceased. Every one listened in breathless silence. We all know that cats eat rats it is one of the first things we read in our little brown reading books; but all those cats eating all those rats it wouldn't bear thinking of.

Alone again, she reached a second time for the telephone, waited for a number, and asked for Mr. Venable. "George, this is Mary," said Mary, a moment later. Silence. "George, darling," said Mary, in a rush, "I am so sorry about Mamma, and I realize how trying it is for you, and I'm so sorry I took what you said at breakfast that way. Don't worry, dear, we'll settle her somehow.