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The most vulnerable point was the section at and about that eminence, and the necessity for supplying Clark with further reinforcements became urgently manifest. Baker sent up a second detachment, and 200 Sikhs came out from Sherpur at the double.

And we Sikhs are farmers, not easily deceived on such matters; we knew that to be grazing land we crossed. It was a land of fruit, too, in the proper season. There had been cattle by the thousand, but they were all gone plundered by the Turks to feed their armies. Ranjoor Singh did his best to make us husband our stale loaves, but we ate the last of them and became like famished wolves.

But the Sikhs and Afghans soon quarrelled; a desperate battle was fought between them at Amritsar, in which, after a futile cannonade, the Sikhs flung themselves upon Zaman's army in the most reckless manner. The aggregate losses were estimated at 35,000 men.

No subsequent efforts on Dost Mahomed's part availed to expel the Sikhs from Peshawur, and suspicious of British connivance with Runjeet Singh's successful aggression, he took into consideration the policy of fortifying himself by a counter alliance with Persia. As for Shah Soojah, he had crept back to his refuge at Loodianah.

It seemed as if the devil that possessed him had gone out into the others too, for they all shouted in reply not a cheery honest hurra! but a hoarse, hungry roar, such as you hear in wild beasts' dens before feeding-time. So we broke up, and went in again at the Sikhs, who were collecting in black-looking knots and irregular squares all round.

There are all the tribes and castes of British Indians "I've got twenty different kinds of people in my Mohammedan camp," said the lieutenant who was showing me about squat Gurkhas from the Himalayas, minus their famous knives tall, black-bearded Sikhs, with the faces of princes. There are even a few lone Englishmen, though most of the British soldiers in this part of Germany are at Doberitz.

By this document, it was agreed that certain large portions of the Afghan territory, including Peshawur, should belong for ever to Runjeet Singh; that the maharajah should likewise possess the passes both of the Sutlej and the Indus, with power to bar the way at his pleasure; that the Afghans and Sikhs should mutually exchange military assistance when required; and that the friends and enemies of any of the three high contracting parties should be the friends and enemies of all.

The Sikhs, seeing their advantage, cut down their opponents with savage fury, and at length compelled the shallow remnant of the regiment to fly in disorder." The cavalry brigade was also brought forward in a way contrary to all the rules of warfare.

They were both unusually fine looking men, and limb for limb they matched. "If war were in Europe you would be taken there to fight," said the German. Ranjoor Singh showed no surprise. "Whether you wanted to fight or not." There was no hint of laughter in the Sikh's brown eyes. "Germany has no quarrel with the Sikhs." "I have heard of none," said Ranjoor Singh.

Wonder what my second in command is doing." Stalky tugged his moustache, and fell to thinking of his Sikhs. "Ah!" said the Infant. "I've only a few thousand pheasants to look after. Come along and dress for dinner. We're just ourselves. What flower is your honour's ladyship commanding for the table?" "Just ourselves?" she said, looking at the crotons in the great hall.