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They signified in the sum her doom to see her brother leave England for the war, and herself crumble to pieces from the imagined figure of herself beside him on or near the field. They could not be phrased, for they accused the beloved brother of a weakness in the excessive sense of obligation to the beautiful woman who had wedded him.

Half-past five had been her time, till the bishop, who, on an occasion, was to be her guest, once signified to her that such an hour cut up the day and interfered with clerical work. Her lunch was always of bread and cheese, and they who lunched with her either eat that, or the bread without the cheese. An afternoon "tea" was a thing horrible to her imagination.

There was a little chamber which Nora had appropriated to herself, and at first it seemed to be taken for granted that she should remain there at least till the 10th of August, on which day Lady Peterborough had signified that she and her husband would be ready to receive their visitor. But Lady Milborough slept on the suggestion, and on the next morning hinted her disapprobation.

He wished, therefore, as obedient son of the Church and Defender of the Faith, to fulfil this primary duty, untrammelled by any human consideration, by any profit that might induce him towards a contrary course. That which he had on other occasions more than once signified he now confirmed.

Amid deathly silence, the Iroquois father stood up. Flinging down medicine-bag, fur robe, wampum belts, and tomahawk, he pointed to the nineteen scars upon his side, each of which signified an enemy slain by his own hand.

"No," said the King, "he must restore them on the same day on which you make your surrender, and he will hardly come back in a hurry." "Quite the contrary," said the Ambassador, "they will be back again in a twinkling, and before we have the slightest warning of their intention." But it signified not the least what Caron said.

When his friend, slipping on his clothes, gave him to understand that this was a friend of Sir Launcelot Greaves, and explained the purport of his errand, he treated him with more civility. He assured him that he should have the pleasure to break a spear with Mr. Dawdle; and signified his surprise that Sir Launcelot had made no answer to his letter.

I soon found myself surrounded by such a crowd, that I could scarcely move; one pulled my clothes, another took off my hat, a third stopped me to examine my waistcoat buttons, and a fourth called out, la illah el allah Mahomet rasowl allahi, and signified, in a threatening manner, that I must repeat those words.

The jurymen at once gathered about the foreman; but the consultation was brief. In less than ten minutes the foreman signified that the verdict was ready. "Sheriff," the alcalde's lips were tight-drawn and his face whitened as he spoke, "bring the prisoners forward to hear the verdict of the jury." The jury now stood together in line, on the right of the alcalde.

Something might be learned of what was going on with the little Princess by what was going on there; and the many persons he saw in the street signified alarm and commotion. "Ho, here!" he shouted, drawing rein. "What does this mean? Somebody dead or dying?" "Uel, the master of the house, is afraid for his child. She should have been home before sundown. He is sending friends out to look for her."