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A book, however, was left on the altar in the chapel, with the signatures of the married couple, the priest, and witnesses; either intended as a consolation or an insulting mockery to the unhappy father who had been deprived of his child.

"I have the papers right here, drawn up for your signatures, but I'm afraid we can't hold the offer open." "I don't know, we might want to do some mining ourselves," Greg said. "For all we know, Dad might have struck some rich ore on one of those claims." Tawney laughed. "I hardly think so. Those claims were all Jupiter Equilateral rejects.

When one gets the trick of the legal jargon, it's not easy to draw the simplest form of agreement without a few superfluous words. I may as well call in my clerk to witness our signatures, I suppose." "Call in any one you like." The clerk was summoned from a sunless and airless den at the back of his principal's office.

As to the forged seals and signatures you talk of, and the deceptions practised on the Turks, if such there were, they were the self-willed act of our woivodes, and in no way instigated by Austria." "Thou liest, Dansowich!" said the Proveditore sternly. "Did you not proclaim and swear in the public market-place of the Austrian town of Segna, that you were the friends and allies of Venice?

Among the signatures is Dr. He was elected a delegate to the Convention in the County of Middlesex, in August, 1774, and a member of the first Provincial Congress of Massachusetts, in October of the same year. Early in 1775, he was appointed a surgeon, and was, for some months, at the head of the military medical department, while General Ward commanded at Cambridge.

In fact with incredible rapidity and marvelous lucidity, Fouquet deciphered the largest papers and most complicated writings, correcting them, annotating them with a pen moved as if by a fever, and the work melting under his hands, signatures, figures, references, became multiplied as if ten clerks that is to say, a hundred fingers and ten brains had performed the duties, instead of the five fingers and single brain of this man.

"If the terms are not what we have been led to expect, or if the signatures are not there, the whole affair is at an end." "You are telling me wonderful things, sir," Julian confessed, after a brief pause. "I am telling what you will discover yourself to be the truth," the Bishop insisted.

WAKULLA, FLORIDA, January 10, 188-. The undersigned do hereby promise to pay into the capital stock of The Elmer Mill Company, upon demand of its Treasurer, the sums placed opposite their respective names: Mark Elmer $200 Ellen R. Elmer 200 Mark Elmer, Jun 100 Ruth Elmer 100 Harold March 100 Jan Jansen 100 After these signatures had been obtained, Mr.

Here, in an old winter overcoat, he directed the vast affair of the petition, which grew daily to vaster proportions. Samuel dreamed of twenty thousand signatures. Each sheet held twenty signatures, and several times a day he counted the sheets; the supply of forms actually failed once, and Constance herself had to hurry to the printers to order more.

"When all those in the house had signed, and the surrender handed to Riel, he said that there were two signatures not on the list, which ought to be there and which he insisted upon having. These were the names of James Mulligan and Charles Garrett.