United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Ingleby says, "I have given a copy of Mr. Collier's fac-simile in sheet No. II., and alongside of that I have placed the impossible E in the Ralegh signature, and the almost exactly similar E which occurs in the emendation End, vice 'And, in the Bridgewater Folio. Below we give fac-similes of six E-s. No.

A recent writer relates that he found the near relation of a nobleman gaining a scanty livelihood as shoe-black at the diggings. Query. Might not this be Mr. 'Then everything is settled? asked his father. 'Almost everything. The mines are off our hands, and the transfer will be completed as soon as Oliver has sent his signature; and there's quite enough saved to make them very comfortable.

Voltaire afterward said that he would not be expected to read the poem. The Queen's good offices were utilized she became for the time a royal book-agent, and her signature and the author's adorned all deluxe copies. A suggestion from the Queen was equal to an order, and the edition was soon worked off. Voltaire now spent three years in England.

After which everything seemed more dreamlike than ever. All that Chauvelin remembered of it afterwards was that he was once more alone in a room with his enemy, who had demanded his signature to a number of safe-conducts, ere he finally handed over the packet of papers to him.

The blood burned and beat in her face. "Even with her signature I couldn't get by the keeper the first time because he didn't know me. I had to be identified by her lawyer." "I like to feel so well taken care of. What shall you do if your novel is a great success? Of course it will be. You would never go on being a nurse." "I am not so sure it will be a success. Neither is my publisher.

One evening at the home of a friend in Moscow I was presented to the great novelist, and as soon as he heard my name he said: "Oh! I know you already, and I know your friend Mehemet Zian. When I passed a night this summer in his aoul he showed me a map with your signature on the margin, and taught me how to calculate the distance to Bokhara!"

Have no fear of bodily injury it will in no circumstances ever be inflicted upon you. You brought misery upon an old man, and ruined his life and broke his heart. What he suffered, you are to suffer. "You will add no signature. He must receive this before he learns of the reward-placard before he rises in the morning lest he lose his head and fly the place penniless." "I shall not forget."

Rich formed part of the magnificent collection of Lord Kingsborough, a name ever to be held in honor by the scholar for his indefatigable efforts to illustrate the antiquities of America. Ondegardo's manuscripts, it should be remarked, do not bear his signature. But they contain allusions to several actions of the writer's life, which identify them, beyond any reasonable doubt, as his production.

We consulted, and finally sent in a written appeal, asking for "five minutes of his precious time on a matter of grave importance." More waiting! Finally a letter was brought to us directed to Mrs. William Kent, with the ink of the Secretary of the Treasury's signature still wet.

In happy, barefoot boyhood, gentlemen, we used to find mud-turtles marked with initials or devices cut in their shells; but what must have been our friend's surprise to find, in the muddy bed of Harlow's Creek, eels marked with a steel-engraving of the landing of Columbus, and the signature of the Register of the Treasury!