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By every sign and signal smoke of evidence the conspiracy charged exists, with President Smith of the Mormon Church its chief architect and expositor. Smoot takes his seat in the upper house of Congress with a first purpose of carrying forth, so far as lies within his hands, the plans of the conspirators. What is the purpose of the conspirators?

Our sojourn in the plains was prolonged during the first twenty days of July under the full heat of summer, all moves being made in the early hours of the morning. On 12th July the Battalion had the satisfaction of winning the Divisional Signal Competition.

The Colonel was giving the one toast of the evening: "Ladies and gentlemen The Queen!" The adjutant leaned out and lifted his hand for signal, and the band crashed out with the National Anthem. Then there was silence for a minute. The window remained open.

Briskly yet carefully working his machine, Lafe descended until, when he flatted out, he could see through the fog the darker background of war-torn earth. "I'll flash our private signal," he resolved. "He may see it. So may Fritz. But here goes!"

But, as it turned out, the precaution was needless, for presently, as the ship swept past, above and between the two bodies of native horsemen, the latter, instead of greeting the strange visitant with a shower of arrows, as before, straightened themselves on their horses, and, at a signal from their leader, raised their right arms above their heads in salute, and shouted in deep-chested unison the single word

I gave the signal to attack it with Indians, and you were inside." "But I was not inside, monsieur." "I believed you to be, and I gave the signal." "But, monsieur, I" "Madame, I believed you to be in the camp, and I gave the signal to attack it." She was silent at that, and I knew that at last she understood. We stood side by side.

The stage is set. The hour is propitious. The signal is sounded. Bahá’u’lláh’s spiritual battalions are moving into position. The initial clash between the forces of darkness and the army of light, as unnoticed as the landing, two milleniums ago, of the apostles of Christ on the southern shores of the European continent, is being registered by the denizens of the Abhá Kingdom.

As soon as he asked for a light it occurred to me that he wanted to use it or might use it to give a signal at night to some watching submarine commander waiting for a chance to torpedo us. I thought if I let him do it with this failing light he might do the Huns more damage than he could us." "How?" asked Joe. "By not being able to give the proper signals.

For the moment there was none. Anarchy in the capital gave the signal for anarchy in the provinces, and anarchy at that moment had a terrible meaning. The deputies who came to Paris, to share the enthusiasm of the moment, failed to notice the fact that the victorious army which gave liberty to France and power to the Assembly was largely composed of assassins.

She and her husband were tried at Old Bailey fifteen years ago for the murder of a man named Bridges. The trial made a great stir at the time. It was known as 'The Death Signal Case'." Caldew looked at the housekeeper with a new interest. He readily recalled the notorious case mentioned by Merrington.