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"Professor Sigger!" she shouted. "Alona..." gasped the professor. "You're involved in this?" Ritchie demanded. "Tricked me... Fascist swine..." Justin bent down to the dying man's ears. "Quick, man! Why are they doing this?!" "Trying to take the town with them," he gasped. "Conspiracy... half the town... ran out of toner..." "Shouldn't we call an ambulance?" Betty asked, wringing her hands. Prof.

"You've come about your final project," Prof. Sigger stated. "It's only mid-term," Alona reminded him. "Oh yes, yes," continued Prof. Sigger, without conscious embarrassment. "Mid-term grade. I think I have it here. Somewhere." His hands disappeared into the left side of his desk. "You told the class that we would all get a C if we maintained that Coca-Cola wasn't a crypto-fascist conspiracy."

"Oh yes," said Prof. Sigger. "We were discussing social issues, as I remember. I was quoting Marx and some little idiot brought up Rush Limbaugh." "That was me," Alona muttered. "Oh yes, yes," Prof. Sigger continued. "What can I do for you?" Alona stared blankly back. "You said you wanted to see me in your office anytime before next Wednesday." Prof.

Unfortunately, Alona decided this just after her roommate spotted her across the vestibule, noted the tears and false-face anxiety, and immediately deduced out loud to several of her closest acquaintances that Prof. Sigger had made a move on the all-too-innocent waif.

Maybe he thinks we're all drug-induced hallucinations. As far as he's concerned, he was leaning against the bathroom wall in order not to stain his shoes and the next moment he's peeing in our corner." Sigger tried to nod sympathetically. "Hasn't completed the interview yet," he continued.

Sigger since..." He looked at his watch. "It has been a while, hasn't it?" Prof. Sigger shrugged, although no one noticed that he had answered. "I thought Frank would have told you," Forrester said. "Who's Frank?" asked the Lab Coat Man. "Oh, I forgot! Frank resigned. That's when we brought you in." "Right. Just after what's-his-name resigned." "Frank." "Exactly." "That's what I said."

When it hits the fan "Truth is the only safe ground to stand on." Elizabeth Cady Stanton When Prof. Sigger found himself standing three miles outside of town on County Highway A, he was, to say the least, chagrined. He tried thumbing a ride from a couple in a pickup, but no luck. They were too busy necking. One of them, however, did throw an empty beer can to him.

"I'm ready for that interview now," muttered Prof. Sigger, trotting to the steel bars and waiting like an obedient schoolboy. The Lab Coat Man nodded and marked an 'X' on a white page. A weird day's night "There is no such thing as an omen. Destiny does not send us heralds. She is too wise or too cruel for that." Oscar Wilde

"I know, I just repeated it." Silence. "So do you need a list?" Forrester asked. "If you wouldn't mind. And whatever forms you'll think I'll need." "Ah, forms. Yes. Definitely. Meet me at my office before you go." And out popped Forrester's head from the room. The Lab Coat Man sighed and turned to Prof. Sigger. "Once we're ready, we should be able to conclude everything quickly.

Neoldner took the seat across from Sigger as the Lab Coat Man moved to the doorway. Forrester, with his strange brown mustache, popped his head into the room. "I'm going home to finish to schedule for tomorrow this evening. Do you have everything?" Forrester asked. "How could I? You haven't told me what I need yet," the Lab Coat Man replied. "I haven't?" "No, I've been with Prof.