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We'll all meet to-morrow noon at Sieber's Pass." He shot down the road at a gallop, leaving behind him a cloud of gray dust. The others followed at a canter. Their horses had to cover many miles before morning and there was no use in running them off their legs at the start. Jackson, waiting for Phil to rope and saddle a pony, yelled a caution to the others. "Keep yore shirts on, boys.

In this case, despite Sieber's warning, which he had overheard, he simply took note of the fact that the captain and Corporal Pike were looking after things and that was enough for him. There was no use in worrying when "Marsa Gwin" was on guard, and within an hour from the time he had had his substantial supper, Jim was snoring melodiously, with his head buried in his arms.

The lightening of the sky for the coming dawn found them still in the saddle with the jagged mountain line rising vaguely before them in the darkness like a long shadow. Presently they could make out the gash in the range that was Sieber's Pass. "Some of the boys will be waiting there for us, I reckon," Steve said. "They'll be glad to see you safe."

But one fine day away went "the outfit;" stopped that night at Camp Verde, deep down in the valley; started again early in the morning, despite the protestations of the garrison, and that evening were camping among the beautiful pine woods high up on the Mogollon range. Sieber's pronunciation of the name "Mogeyone" will give you a fair idea of what it is really like.

Manuelito with the mules in rear had listened to Sieber's warning with undisguised dismay. Only Pike ex-corporal of the captain's troop rode unconcernedly ahead. What cared he for Apaches? He had fought them time and again. Nevertheless when Captain Gwynne came cantering out to the front and joined his old non-commissioned officer, it was with some surprise that he listened to Pike's salutation.

"Take all three horses and ride to the edge of the mesa. Wait there. One of us either him or me will come up there after a while. If it's him, take all the horses and light out. Keep the moon on your left and ride straight forward till daybreak. You'll see a gash in the hills about where the sun rises. That's Sieber's Pass. The boys will be waiting for you. Understand?"