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He lifted a hand warningly and nodded sidewise toward the path. Captain Plum listened. He heard low voices and then footsteps voices that were approaching rapidly, and were those of women, and footsteps that were almost running. The old man caught him by the arm and as the sounds came nearer his grip tightened. "Don't frighten them, Nat. Get down!"

And then I laughed, laughed as I had not done in days. So this was the quarry that I had been stalking! I had been under a long tension, and it was suddenly comfortable to be ridiculous. I sat down and laughed again. "Are you following Pierre?" I asked, sobering, and trying to be stern. But she put her head sidewise and considered me. She looked like a squirrel about to crack a nut.

Almayer, sitting sidewise to the table, his elbow pushed amongst the dirty plates, his chin on his breast and his legs stretched stiffly out, kept his eyes steadily on the toes of his grass slippers and laughed abruptly. "You might say yes or no instead of making that unpleasant noise," remarked Willems, with calm irritation.

"Luff her," he cried. "She's gone Luff her, I tell you!" He sprang back, jamming the tiller from him. "Let her out, Andy, every inch!" The canvas flew wide to the wind. The great boat responded to its touch. She rose like a bird and dipped, in sweeping sidewise flight, to the race. Across the water something bobbed black, uncertain. "Look sharp, Andy," said Uncle William.

Bart felt himself slip sidewise; he thought for a moment that he would faint where he sat. Terrified, he looked up at Meta. Their eyes met, and she said, hardly moving her pale lips, "Your eyes they're like mine. Your eyelashes dark, not white. You're not a Lhari!"

He was bending the rank grass with his cudgel, and thinking of the shade the denser swamp afforded, when he suddenly dodged sidewise; the cudgel whistled sharply through the air and Freckles sprang back.

Her heart beat fast when the man opened the front gate and shut it with a faint click. She wondered if it could be Horace, but immediately she saw, from the slightly sidewise shoulders and gait, that it was Henry Whitman. She heard him enter; she heard doors opened and closed. After a time she heard a murmur of voices.

'But, I've said to my sister-in-law, 'hand me over one of the younger girls I'll promise you that she'll grow up something more than a poor little fashionably dressed doll, looking sidewise out of her eyes at every man she meets, to see whether he'll marry her or not! Of course there's only one answer to that. I've never married, and I don't know anything about it!"

At this Buck and Prince, in a wild riot of animal strength and spirit, leaped a slight depression in the road with such vigor that the front wheels of the buckboard left the ground. Patches glanced sidewise at his employer, with a smile of delighted appreciation, but said nothing. The Dean liked him for that.

After Stodger had given his brief testimony and returned to his post in the upper hall, I descended to the library and took a seat beside Dr. De Breen at one end of the big library table. As I did so I observed that Mr. Fluette was taking stock of me with a keen sidewise look.