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"Evelyn, she said, was pleased with them when they came, and put them all in a row on a side-table in her sitting-room, and changed their places several times, and opened the books and tried to read them; but she was hardly forward enough to make them out with pleasure.

He was full of foul words of me and you and all whoever bore our name. He struck me with the flat of his blade and threatened to run me through as I stood unless I drew to defend myself. What choice had I? I did not mean to kill him as God's my witness, I did not, Noll." Without a word Oliver turned to a side-table, where stood a metal basin and ewer.

Nancy uttered a mere 'Yes. She was looking at Tarrant's letter on the side-table, and wishing to be alone that she might read it again. 'In the meantime, Samuel pursued, 'whatever difficulty arises, confide it to me. Probably you will wish to tell me more before long; you know that I am not unworthy to be your adviser. And so let us shake hands, in sign of genuine friendship.

All four went into a bedroom which looked out on Monday Market. And there, on a side-table, lay a small leather suit-case, one which could easily be carried, with its upper half thrown open and back against the wall behind. The landlady, Mr. Dellingham and Bryce stood silently by while the inspector examined the contents of this the only piece of luggage in the room.

He busied himself with gathering up her possessions, and lit her candle at the side-table. As she passed by him to the door, he looked at her furtively for a moment, hanging his head. Then he pressed her hand, and said so that only she could hear 'I should have kept my regrets to myself! She shook her head, with faint mockery. 'It would be the first time.

When his anxious eyes had glanced round the room some half a dozen times, when he had touched each curtain, laid his hand upon every chair, and dusted certain papers which lay upon a side-table, and which had been lying there for two years, and at which no one ever looked or would look, he gently crept away and ensconced himself in an easy chair not far from the door of the chamber.

Again, out of three shutters which belonged to the room, I rigged up a very effective side-table for my own den, which when covered with a red cloth, and ornamented with the bears' paws, might have cost twenty guineas for all that the patient could say to the contrary.

In her hand she held her recovered book the Lady's Vade-Mecum; and she read from it, addressing Arthur Miles, who stood and enacted butler by the side-table, in a posture of studied subservience Some light and playful remark will 'ere be not out of place, such as " "Well, I'm d d, if you'll excuse me," ejaculated Miss Sally.

Her drawing-room, looking out on to the Neva, was characteristic of herself. Camellias held the floral honors in vase and pot. The French novel ruled supreme on the side-table. The room was too hot, the chairs were too soft, the moral atmosphere too lax. One could tell that this was the dwelling-room of a lazy, self-indulgent, and probably ignorant woman.

She could not but observe that the abundance of the dinner did not seem to create the smallest astonishment in the general; nay, that he was even looking at the side-table for cold meat which was not there. His son and daughter's observations were of a different kind.