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The roaring of the surf grew and the long white line rose before them like a wall. He saw no opening, but the captain showed no signs of fear and gave quick, sharp commands. The boat drove with increased speed toward the island, rising on the crests of great waves, then sinking with sickening speed into the trough of the sea, to rise dizzily on another wave.

There was activity and movement everywhere, but he could co-ordinate nothing, he was simply bewildered. Towards evening there was another resting-time, and each man gladly threw himself full length on the grass. For a moment there was a silence, then Tom heard a sound which gave him a sickening sensation; he felt a sinking, too, at the pit of his stomach: it was the boom, boom, boom of guns.

He decided to put his own troubles aside, and, out of mere decency, concentrate his thoughts on the severe trial in store for Orange. "This business about Parflete," said he, "is a great blow. One becomes indifferent to what is said of, or done to, one's self; but that all this uncommon, saddening, sickening trouble should come upon Robert is too bad.

While he halted undecidedly on its brink, he pulled out his watch; one glance at this, and another at the sky, which now lay open like a scroll above him, gave him a sickening shock. He had started from camp at noon; now it was after five o'clock. Little more than another hour, and not twilight, but the blackness of a total eclipse, would reign in the forest.

"I don't know how it strikes the rest, but it sounds pretty sickening to me. Don't overlook the fact that two of us happen to know all about you; and we know just where to send word, to dig up a lot more identification. So bluffing ain't going to help you out, a darned bit." "Miguel, you can go with Andy," Weary said with brisk decision.

"A man pot-hunting for Victoria Crosses takes a thousand to one chance." He paused abruptly and shot an eager and curiously wavering glance at me. "Am I boring you with all this?" "Good Heavens, no." And then as the insistence of his great figure towering over me had begun to fret my nerves "Sit down, man," said I, with an impatient gesture, "and put that sickening toy away and come to the point."

"'Tention, company!" commanded the Orderly. "Stack arms! Right face Break ranks March!" "Hello, boys," said Monty Scruggs's voice, weak but unmistakably his, as the company recrossed the works. "Great heavens! he's bin shot through the bowels?" thought Si, turning toward him with sickening apprehension of this most dreaded of wounds.

The lurch of the boat flung the Dark Master forward, Brian felt a sickening wrench of pain as the sword pierced his shoulder and tore loose from O'Donnell's hand, then he had clutched his enemy's throat, and his skean went home. Spent though both men were, the sting of the steel woke the Dark Master to a burst of energy.

Everywhere were sickening traces of sodden drunkenness. The straw-strewn drawing-room much resembled a cheap beer garden after a Saturday night's riot, and the unfortunate upright piano was not only decked with empty champagne bottles but also contained some two to three hundred pots of jam poured down inside glass and all, probably just for a joke. Oh, Kultur!

As may be seen in Major Macready's narrative, the Duke, while the battle was raging, betrayed no sign of emotion at the most ghastly casualties; but, when all was over, the sight of the carnage with which the field was covered, and still more, the sickening spectacle of the agonies of the wounded men who lay moaning in their misery by thousands and tens of thousands, weighed heavily on the spirit of the victor, as he rode back across the scene of strife.