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However we had no great need of them, for those of the enemy whom we left alive behind us seemed suddenly to have grown sick of fighting, and made no attempt to follow after us down the stairs.

"O, well," said Prudy, considering the matter, "I'm sick; I tell you how it is, I'm sick, you know; but well, you may go, Susy, if you'll make up a story as long as a mile." Susy really felt grateful to Prudy, but it was her own gentle manner which had charmed the sick child into giving her consent.

He did not quarrel with the prince in fact, they seemed to part as friends. Gania, who had been hostile enough on that eventful evening, had himself come to see him a couple of days later, probably in obedience to some sudden impulse. For some reason or other, Rogojin too had begun to visit the sick boy.

I believe it as much as I believe I live and breathe; and so does Josiah. Wall, Miss Mooney wouldn't give anything because she thought Jane Smedley wuzn't so sick as she thought she wuz; she said "she was spleeny." And I told Miss Mooney that when a woman was sick enough to die, I thought she ort to be called sick.

As she stood in the yard a woman put her head out of the window of the next house. "It's no use knocking," she said, "all the folks have gone away." "Gone away where?" asked Katy. "Nobody knows," said the woman; "the gentleman came back in the middle of the night, and this morning, before light, he had a wagon at the door, and just put in the trunks and the sick lady, and drove off.

"I I done the best I could, Sis' Johnnie," he hesitated apologetically. "You wasn't thar, and Unc' Pros was gone, an' I thest worked the farm and took care of mother an' the little 'uns best I knowed how. But when she when he oh, I wish't you and Unc' Pros had been home to-day." Johnnie, her mind at rest about the children, turned to her mother. "Was ma sick?" she asked sympathetically.

"Hester hates that picture," said Adele; "she never looks that way really, like a sick calf, but somehow the photographer managed to catch that expression." "She wouldn't mind if she knew, would she?" said Patty. "Oh, mercy, no! She'd think it the best joke in the world. She lives in California, so there's little chance of Mr. Cameron ever seeing her. Now let's write the letter."

Is there going to be always Somebody sick at the brown house? If I were to come there now, I wonder should I be allowed to come and see you in your night-cap I wonder even do you wear a night-cap?

Hereupon we resolved to let them have what we could spare, ordering the mate to bring some of his men on board us, which he did accordingly: as he and they looked like skeletons, when meat was set before them, I ordered them to eat sparingly. But, however they soon fell sick; which obliged the surgeon to mix something in their broth, which was to be to them both food and physic.

But this reason for Maggie's seclusion was forgotten now, only the facts remembered. The very women who wondered, "what kind of a girl she must be never to go to dances and merry makings;" knew that she had watched night and day by her sick mother; knew that the whole household had trusted to Maggie from her seventeenth year onward.