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Standing thus together in that sick-room, with one life forming a common bond between them, conversing in low whispers upon one so dear to both, it would have been strange indeed if any thing like want of confidence had remained on either side. Dudleigh lived on as before, assiduous in his attendance, dividing his time chiefly between nursing and study of the papers already mentioned.

At first, when I was sent to the sick-room, and found I had really got the fever, I was terribly frightened. I thought I should die, and I could not face it for a moment.

Harry had read of Sir Philip Sidney passing the cup of water from his own parched lips to the dying-soldier who had still greater need of it than himself, and he had thought it a grand and beautiful action; but then it had never occurred to him that in his own little common life the every-day life of home and school, or it might be sick-room deeds of the same kind of heroism, though not by any means so likely to be spoken of, were possible to and even required of him and every one who wished to lead a brave and noble life.

"Who's dat who ride astride de pony, So long, so lean, so lank and bony? For now we are round at Friedrich Wilhelm's Pomeranian Hunting again, in the New-year's time of 1729; and must look again into the magnanimous sick-room which ensued thereon; where a small piece of business is going forward.

I found him greatly changed. Living upon his labor, it troubles him that he can do nothing; and this was why I was so anxious to go with you yesterday; he likes to think of me as a guide." "And I trust you will be a guide," I said, as we left the table and entered the sick-room, "a guide to lead souls to Christ. What a blessed privilege!"

Miss Marion had devoted herself to the sick-room with even more than a daughter's love; and for two years she had watched beside the patient sufferer, when her more volatile and thoughtless cousins refused to credit the approach of death.

D'you happen to know her?" "Oh, Gillie, you're a sad boy," said Susan. "Well, I make a pint never to contradict a 'ooman, believin' it to be dangerous," returned Gillie, "but I can't say that I feel sad. I'm raither jolly than otherwise." A summons from the sick-room cut short the conversation.

"But," said Minora, bewildered at the way her illusions were being knocked about, "the sick-room is surely the very place of all others in which a woman's gentleness and tact are most valuable." "Gentleness and tact?" repeated the Man of Wrath. "I have never met those qualities in the professional nurse.

Sometimes it appeared as if the right side would prevail, but then the left got the upper hand again; and each time the paralysis seemed to get a firmer hold. Miss Cordsen heard the doctor say to Richard, "He may perhaps linger for a few hours, but he cannot live through the night." The old lady remained for a few minutes in the sick-room, and then went upstairs.

It was sweet of you to think of it, but now we must let him be quiet. I think perhaps he will go to sleep." "Yes, he says he feels lazy! The Major was always fond of his bed!" cried Pixie, skipping blithely down the staircase; but when Bridgie went back to the sick-room her father's eyes were fixed eagerly on the doorway, and he said in urgent tones "Bride, I'm wanting to see O'Brien!