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Outside the railings the hollow square of crumbling houses, shells of a bygone gentry, leaned as if in ghostly gossip over the forgotten doings of the vanished quality. Sic transit gloria urbis. A block or two north of the Park, Dawe steered the editor again eastward, then, after covering a short distance, into a lofty but narrow flathouse burdened with a floridly over-decorated facade.

Lammie back his shillin', an' tell 'im 'at I wadna hae ye learn sic ill customs as tak siller. Are they a' weel? 'Ay, brawly, answered Shargar, putting the shilling in his pocket. In another moment Shargar had, without a word of adieu, embezzled the shoes, and escaped from the house without seeing Betty.

"There's ither shopmen in Muirtown that fair scunner ye wi' their windows they're that ill set out and inside there's sic a wrale o' stuff that the man canna get what ye want; he's clean smoored wi' his ain goods. "It's a graund shop for the auld fouk that hae plenty o' time and can turn ower the things by the 'oor. Ye 'ill no get a young body inside the door.

Ay, a' ken fine aboot the toor o' Siloam, and aboot the toor o' Babel as weel; an' a've read, too, about the blaspheemious Herod, an' sic like. Man, but he's a hot-heided laddie, and lacks discreemeenation. 'What about Herod, Geordie? I asked. 'Aboot Herod? with a strong tinge of contempt in his tone. 'Aboot Herod?

And I find that in curiosity of knowing he is the same; he cuts himself out more work than he can do, and more than he needs to do: extending the utility of knowledge to the full of its matter: "Ut omnium rerum, sic litterarum quoque, intemperantia laboramus." And Tacitus had reason to commend the mother of Agricola for having restrained her son in his too violent appetite for learning.

But I ken fine how a song's made when once you have the idea! It's by hard work, and in no other way. There's nae sic a thing as writing a song easily not a song folk will like. Don't let anyone tell you any different or else you may be joining those who are sae sure I've refused the best song ever written theirs! The ideas come easily aye!

Eh, laddie! he continued, 'sic an end to ane wha was regairded as belongin' to the Saints! Wae's me for the godly, and again he lifted his eyes upward as a hound crying u-lu-lu for his lost master. Then he gave me a sharp look, somewhat askance, as he asked me swiftly, 'Whatten a discourse, think ye, will ye get frae your meenister o' the Tron Kirk the morn?

Saw ye not something papistical about him? Let them look that he bears not a crucifix, or some sic Roman trinket, about him." "It would ill become me to attempt the exculpation of this unhappy man," said Lord Dalgarno, "considering the height of his present attempt, which has made all true men's blood curdle in their veins.

"Cosmo, my boy," said the old man, "you are meddling with what does not belong to you." "I know it's your business, father, not mine; but " Man, he canna hurt me to the worth o' sic a heap o' firin'!" Then changing his tone to absolute seriousness, "Min' ye tu, Cosmo," he went on, "'at the maister never threatent but aye left the thing, whatever it was, to him 'at judges richteously.

Every fresh intrigue of Sofia with Vienna confirmed Belgrade in its view of the vital necessity for retaining the Vardar Valley. The hoary argument that "circumstances alter cases," appeared anew in the garb of the Bismarckian theory that all treaties are subject to the provision "rebus sic stantibus" a theory which many great international lawyers have unhesitatingly endorsed.